Year 2017-2018 a quick summary.
During year 2017-2018, NINE priests, and TWO bishops including
Catholicos visited KMRM[1]. Flood relief support extended to
different districts through Malankara Catholic Societies.
Educational support of Baselios Vidyasri Puraskaram dispersed to
total 11 Students, 10 through MCA, and one directly to Delhi diocese
through the vicar general[2]. Mar Ivanios Educational support to
Seminarians of St. Mary's Malankara Major Seminary. A computer room
is being setup with financial support. KMRM Jubilee inauguration
details on cover page of their Nuhro Journal. Support to set up a
candle unit at Odissa Mission through the Vicar General of Delhi
Diocese. Santhwana Support to Parasala diocese(10L), and food
project of Catholicose (2L) [3].
YuvaJyothi is renamed as KMRM MCYM. The anouncement is made by H.B
Moran Mor Baselios Cardnial Cleemis on 2nd March 2018. A jubilee
memorial holy Qurbono was arranged at the TOMB of Daivadasan Mar
Ivanios on 28th Julky 2018. Rev.Fr. John Padipurackal, and Rev.Fr.
Binoy Kochukarikkathil jointly celebrated the Qurbono. Those KMRM,
and xKMRM members was on vacation attended this Holy Qurbono.
Jubilee Bible Prathishta concluded in (Abbasiya sector 1,
sector 2, and sector 3), Mary Matha Prayer Group, Fahaheel (earlier
one prayer group). Jubilee house visits to Mar Ivanios - Salmiya (16
Houses), Mary Matha Fahaheel, All sectors of Abbasiya. Jubilee House
stickers to all Houses. Jubilee Qurbonos to families of Abbasiya
Sector 4, Sector 3, Sector 2, Mary Matha prayer group Fahaheel. Mar
Ivanios just started. Silver Jubilee Logo introduced. Silver Jubilee
celebrations inaugurated on 2nd March 2018.
Priests and Bishops Visited during the year (1)
Rev.Fr. Dr. Jolly Karimpil ( May2018 )
Rev. Fr. Eugene ( December2017 )
H.E. Most Rev. Dr. Thomas Mar Anthonios ( September2018 )
H.B Moran Mor Baselios Cardinal Cleemis Catholicos ( March2018 )
Rev.Fr. Sheen Thankalayam ( Sep2018 )
Rev.Fr. James Elanjickal ( August2018 )
Rev.Fr. Reji Kallittayil ( June2018 )
Most.Rev. Shaji Manikulam ( May2018 )
Rev.Fr. Jolly Kaimpil ( May2018 )
Rev. Fr. Robin Manakkalethu ( April2018 )
Rev.Fr. Thomas Poovaraniyil ( January2018 )
Educational Support Projects 2017-2018 (2) 

Recipient #11 14.10.2018

St. Mary's Major Seminary

KMRM Charity

Candle Project

Santhwana Projects (3)
1. Jubilee Santhwana I -
Food Santhwana Project of BAVA 60th
Year(Total 5L). KMRM (2L) + KMRM MCYM (3L)
+ Seminarian Sponsorship (Sponsored) (.84L)
+ Orissa Pilot Project (.75L)
2. Jubilee Santhwana II -
Parasala Diocese Chapel Building (10L)
Total = 5(L) + 1.59(L) + 10(L) =
16.59 (Lakhs) [3L by KMRM-MCYM] |

60th Year Celebrations of BAVA Thirumeni, and KMRM Support for the
initial facilitation of Snehavirunu.

Jubilee Santhwana Flyer

Jubilee Flyer

Jubilee Prayer Card

KMRM Assets

KMRM Sticker
