KMRM participation in 84th Reuni

KMRM participation in 84th Reunion Celebration at Bathery
The 84th Reunion Celebrations took place at Bathery on September
19th & 20th 2014. MCA Global Meet was inaugurated by HB Baselios Cardinal
Cleemis, Major Archbishop - Catholicos of Syro Malankara Catholic Church.
Archbishop HG Thomas Mar Koorilos distributed the Mar Baselios Vidyasree
Puraskar and Mar Ivanios Vidyanidhi to Students from various dioceses. The list
of short listed candidates for Swasraya Santhwana (a helping aid for self
employment) from various dioceses was handed over to Mr.Jacob Varghese,
Santhwana Convener, by MCA charity coordinator Mr.Geevarghese. HG Joshua Mar
Ignatios, HG Geevarghese Mar Divanasiyos, HG Vincent Mar Paulose were present.
MCA President Mr. Philip Kadavil presided over the meeting. Kerala Labour
Minister Mr. Shibu Baby John extended his appreciation and wishes. KMRM
President Mr. Babuji Bathery and Santhwana Convener Mr. Jacob Varghese
felicitated the event. It was indeed a great honour for KMRM, when our little
offerings tuned out to be a great blessing for many.
KMRM also got an
opportunity to add in for the "Punaraikya Smaranika" magazine. KMRM Spiritual
Director Rev. Dr. John Padipurackal wrote on the historical events and
activities of KMRM and President Mr. Babuji Bathery explained on the social
activities that were taken up by KMRM during the year.

KMRM - Poshaka Sangadana Anniversary Celebration
Poshaka Sangadana of KMRM - Yuvajyothi, youth wing of Syro
Malankara Catholic Community, Friends of Mary- mothers wing of Malankara
Catholic Community & Baladeepam, the children's wing of Malankara Catholic
Community, celebrated their anniversary on September 18th, 2014 at Virgin Mary
Hall, City Cathedral . General Secretary Mr. Liju Parakkel presided over the
meeting. Friends of Mary Convener Ms. Bency Jacob, Yuvajyothi Jt. Convener Mr.
Jobin Thomas, Baladeepam Convener Kumari Jini Saji presented their annual
reports. Spiritual Director, Rev. Dr. John Padipurackal, and Secretary, Mr. Liju
Parakkel appreciated their great efforts and supports to KMRM. Fr. John
emphasized the importance of working together united under the Spiritual
Director and the KMRM managing committee. Mr. Shaji Varghese, Treasurer rendered
vote of thanks. Meeting was concluded with a blessing by Fr.John. 14/Sept/Circular%20on%20Youth%20Day%202014-Eng.pdf" target="_blank">
Reception to His Beatitude Baselios Cardinal Cleemis Catholicos
Holy Family Cathedral, Kuwait

A solemn Liturgical reception was given to His Beatitude Baselios Cardinal Cleemis Catholicos (Head and Father of the Malankara Catholic Church, President, CBCI (Catholic Bishops' Conference of India) and President, KCBC (Kerala Catholic Bishops' Conference)] on Saturday 7th September, 2014 at the Holy Family Cathedral, Kuwait City.
Children with ‘Flower bunch’, Friends of Mary members with candles, Yuvajyothi memers with Papal Flag and decorated umberellas brightened the procession to the Cathedral Church.

Rev. Fr. Ramon Atanacio (Parish Priest, Holy Family Cathedral) and Rev. Dr. John Padipurackal officially received the Cardinal on behalf of the catholic community of Kuwait.

Holy Qurbono on the Feast of the Nativity of Mary, Mother of God and First Holy Communion:
The reception was followed by Holy Qurbno by His Beatitude
Baselios Cardinal Cleemis Catholicos as the main celebrant. First time in the
history of the Malanaka community in Kuwait, children received First Holy
Qurbano from His Beatitude Baselios Cardinal Cleemis Catholicos. The Feast Day
Celebration concluded with Madhyastha Prarthana to Mary, Mother of God and
serving ‘Nerchal Payasam’. Over 1500 faithful attended the Holy Qurbono.

KMRM expresses its sincere gratitude to His Beatitude Baselios Cardinal Cleemis
The members of the Kuwait Malankara Rite Movement (KMRM) express our sincere
gratitude to His Beatitude Baselios Cardinal Cleemis Catholicos who officiated
during the 8-day Lent and the Holy Qurbono on the Feast Day of the Nativity of
Mary, Mother of God. >
May God shower his choicest Blessings on His Beatitude and
keep him in good health. We wish all the best for His Beatitude and pray to God
Almighty for all the blessing from heaven. |
SNEHA NILAV - 20th Anniversary of KMRM, 84th Re-Union Day, and
Onam celebrations
Kuwait Malankara Rite Movement (KMRM) celebrated its 20th Anniversary, 84th Re-Union Day, and Onam at Carmel School, Khaitan on Friday 5th September, 2014.
His Beatitude Baselios Cardinal Cleemis Major Archbishop-Catholicos, Head and Father of the Syro Malankara Catholic Church, President, CBCI (Catholic Bishops' Conference of India) and President, KCBC (Kerala Catholic Bishops' Conference) was the chief guest for the day.

Mr. Babuji Batheri (President, KMRM) presided over the function. Mr. Liju Parackal, Secretary, KMRM, rendered the welcome speech. The function was inaugurated by His Beatitude Baselios Cardinal Cleemis Catholicos. His Grace Arch Bishop Petar Rajic, Apostolic Nuncio to Kuwait, blessed the gathering with his presence and had given the Benedictory address. His Beatitude Cardinal Baselios Cleemis Catholicos, His Grace Archbishop Petar Rajic, Rev. Dr. John Padipurackal, Mr. Babuji Batheri, Mrs. Catherine Binu (Asst. Headmistress MCLS), Mrs. Bency Jacob (Convener FOM), Mr. Jobin Thomas (Jt. Convener, Yuvajyothi), Rev. Fr. Anoop Thomas (Secretary, Catholicos) lighted the traditional lamp during the inaugural ceremony. Mr. O. M. Mathew (Member, Advisory Board), Mr. Jacob Thomas (Member, Synodal Commission of the Syro Malankara Catholic Church) felicitated the function.
A musical program, lead by prominent musicians and singers of Kuwait, was added beauty to the occasion. The traditional Onam Sadhya added joy and happiness to the participants of the celebration.

During the function HB Cardinal Baselios Cleemis Catholicos released ‘Swasraya Swanthana’ chairty fund by receiving the copy of cheque from Mr. Jacb Varghese, Swanthwana Convener.

During the occasion, KMRM honoured students who attained highest marks in 10th & 12th from our various catholic communities. This year Moran Mor Benedict Mar Gregorios Puraskar (Instituted in memory of late Archbishop Benedict Mar Gregorios) awarded to Std X - Kum: Diya Ann Varghese , Mast: Kishan Paul Raja, Mast: Sandeep Jimmy Choolakal , Mast: Joshua Shaju Konnackel and Std XII – Kum: Jessena Joseph Vengal , Kum: Tany Elizabeth Thomas, Kum: Heera Maria and they received the award from HB Cardinal Cleemis Catholicos. Winner’s prizes for MCLS exam (Catechism – UKG to 10th standard) were also distributed during the function by the HB Cardinal Cleemis Catholicos.

KMRM honoured Mr. George Mathew (Bose) for elected him as the Joint Secretary of the honorable board of trustees, Indian Community Schools. On behalf of KMRM, Memento’s handed over to HB Cardinal Cleemis Catholicos by Fr. John Padipurcal, and HG Arch Bishop Petar Rajic, Rev. Fr. Anoop Thomas by Mr. Shaji Varghese, (Treasurer) as token of appreciation.
Mr. Joseph Daniel (Convener, Sneha Nilav) conveyed vote of thanks. Mr. Binu K. John was the Master of Ceremonies. Sneha Nilav – 2014 ended with Musical Fusion and delicious traditional Onam Sadya.

Couples Conclave
As part of its 20th year Celebration, KMRM honoured all couples
who have completed 20 years or more years in Holy Matrimony.
A special Holy
Qurbono was celebrated by His Beatitude Baselios Cardinal Cleemis Catholicos on
4th of September 2014, Thursday at 6 P.M. at Holy Family Hall, City Cathedral.
After the Holy Qurbono, His Beatitude gave a certificate of Apostolic Blessing
to the couples. KMRM spiritual Director Rev. Dr. John Padipurackal extended his
blessings & KMRM president Mr. Babuji Bathery felicitate all the couples.

Vidyarambam and Special General Body Meeting
Vidyarambam of 18 Children and a special General Body took place on September 3, 2014 at United Indian School, Abbsiya.
The special general body, for presenting the revised By-Law of KMRM, was held at 6.30PM under the patronage of His Beatitude Baselios Cardinal Cleemis Major Archbishop-Catholicos of the Syro Malankara Catholic Church. General Secretary, KMRM Mr. Liju Parakkel welcomed all gathered. President, KMRM Mr. Babuji Bathery & Spiritual Director, Rev. Dr. John Padipurackal explained the importance of the new revised By-law. By-law Committee Chairman Mr. Kuruvilla Thomas presented the revised Bylaw and the same has been approved by KMRM general body with certain additions and modifications. Mr. Shaji Varghese, Treasurer, KMRM proposed the vote of thanks. Mr. Binu K. John was the Master of Ceremonies.
FARE WELL – KMRM offered farewell to Mr. Joymon Kurien, Shalom Prayer Group, Abbasiya Sector 3, who is returning back to India and thanked him for his services to KMRM. His Beatitude Baselios Cleemis Catholicos, presented a memento to Mr. Joymon as a token of appreciation.

Mr. Soman Daniel (58),Father- in law of Mr. Bissy George ,Mar
Ivanios prayer group,Salmiya was called to heaven for his eternal reward on
September 6,2014. May his soul rest in peace!
Funeral will take place later.
We, the members of KMRM, express our heart-felt condolence on his demise and pray to the Almighty that the bereaved family may find solace in God.

Special General Body |
3rd September, 2014, Wednesday - Prayer and Special General Body (venue: United Indian School, Abbasiya, Time: 06:30pm)
New Members Meet - 2014
KMRM organized New Members Meet on 22nd August, 2014 at Cachoos Auditorium,
Abbasiya, Kuwait. The meet started with a public meeting, presided over by
President Mr. Babuji Batheri. Reverend Dr. John Padipurackal - Spiritual
Director, had given the introductory speech. Mr. K.O.John, Advisory Board
Chairman, felicitated the function. The gathering was welcomed by Binu K.
Varghese, Jt. Secretary and Mr. Shaji George, Convener -KMRM New Members,
proposed the vote of thanks. Over 60 new members participated.

Mr. Ponnachen,Father- in law of Mr. Pramod T. D,St. John's Prayer
group, Abbassiya was called to heaven for his eternal reward on August 18,2014.
May his soul rest in peace! Funeral will take place on Wednesday
,August 20, 2014 at Malankara Catholic Church, Thannithode, Pathanamthitta.
We, the members of KMRM, express our heart-felt condolence on his
demise and pray to the Almighty that the bereaved family may find solace in God.
Cell# 65186609 (Pramod T. D)

The First Malankara Gulf Meet – POLIMA 2014 (Pastorally Oriented
Lively Interaction of Malankarites, Arabia) was convened in Trivandrum on 15th
and 16th of July 2014 in Trivandrum. The first ever meet of 500 delegates from
Bahrain, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Muscat, Qatar and United Arab Emirates
(UAE) took place in the St. Mary’s Malankara Seminary, Nalanchira and
Catholicate Centre, Pattom, Trivandrum.

The Meet was officially inaugurated by
Mr. Oommen Chandy, Honourable Chief Minister of Kerala, in the presence of His
Beatitude Moran Mor Baselios Cardinal Cleemis, Major Archbishop-Catholicos of
the Syro-Malankara Catholic Church and other distinguished dignitaries including
Metropolitans of various Malankara Eparchies, Bishops of the Middle East, Vicar
Generals, Priests and Religious.

Mr. Ommen Chandy praised the Malankara Catholic
Church for its contribution to the Society and the role of the pravasis in the
nation building and development of Kerala. His Grace Archbishop Cyril Vasil,
Secretary of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, appreciated the efforts
of the Malankara Faithful towards preserving and fostering their tradition in
the various countries to which they migrate and work.
His Excellency Bishop Paul
Hinder, Apostolic Vicar of Sothern Arabia and His Excellency Bishop Camillo
Ballin, Apostolic Vicar of Northern Arabia, emphasized the duty of the faithful
to witness the Gospel and fostering unity of the Church in difficult situations.

His Beatitude Baselios Cardinal Cleemis in his presidential address appreciated
the endeavor of the faithful along with their priests for being loyal to their
tradition and liturgy and their efforts to inculcate this to their children. His
Grace Archbishop Thomas Mar Koorilos, Rev. Dr. Shaji Manikulam (Rector, St.
Mary’s Malankara Seminary) Rev. Fr. Mathew Punakulam (former Parish Priest, St.
May’s Church, Qatar) and Mr. Chacko Panicker (Returnee from UAE) made
felicitation addresses.
His Excellency Joseph Mar Thomas, Bishop of Bathery,
addressed the delegates of the Meet on the need of building up communities
wherever there are Malankara Faithful and the need of rooting our faithful in
Catholic Faith and Malankara Tradition. There were presentations on the various
communities in the Gulf Region and cultural programs also.

16th July, the second
day, began with Holy Qurbono in the St. Mary’s Cathedral, Pattom in which His
Beatitude Baselios Cardinal Cleemis was the main celebrant and bishops of the
Malankara Church and priests from the Gulf Region were co-celebrants.

sessions of the day took place in the Catholicate Centre, Pattom. The session on
the ‘Scope of NRI Investment’ lead by Mr P. H. Kurian IAS, Principal Secretary,
Industry, Govt. of Kerala, was informative and beneficial for the participants
of the Meet. His Beatitude Baselios Cardinal Cleemis spent two hours with the
delegates and answered all the questions presented to him previously on issues
regarding pastoral needs and practical matters in the Gulf Countires. Two
sessions for children were arranged in the Samunnaya Centre, Pattom on Values
and Career Options. These sessions were lead by Mr. Varghese Paul and Team,
‘Call’, Chalakudy.
Mr. Biren Philip, Secretary of the Organizing Committee of
the Malankara Gulf Meet, proposed the Vote of Thanks at the end of the sessions.
KMRM President, Mr. Babuji Batheri was the Master of Ceremonies of the wonderful

The Meet ended with a procession from the Catholicate Centre to the Tomb
of Servant of God, Archbishop Mar Ivanios and Dhoopaprarthana lead by His
Various committees worked under the guidance of Rev. Dr. John
Padipurackal, Coordinator, Malankara Catholic Church in the Gulf Region
(Kuwait), Rev. Fr. Mathew Kandathil (UAE), Rev. Fr. Cherian Manapurath (Qatar),
Rev. Fr. Antony Plamparampil (Muscat) and Rev. Dr. John Makkapallil for the
success of the Malankara Gulf Meet.

Mr. J. Thomas (84), Kadakampallil House, Pandithitta
father Mr. Jacob Thomas (J009), St. Mary’s Prayer Group, Abbassiya was called to
heaven for his eternal reward today (06th August, 2014).
May his soul rest in peace. Funeral will be on
Friday at Malankara Syrian Catholic church, Pandithitta.
We, the members of KMRM, express our heart-felt
condolence on his demise and pray to the Almighty that the bereaved family may
find solace in God.
Cell # 99675524 (Roaming) +914752329339 (Jacob
Commemoration of Servant of God Mar
Ivanios-Anusmarana Yatra
YUVAJYOTHI-KMRM, organized the Anusmarana Padayatra
in commemoration of 61st Feast of Servant of God Arch Bishop Geevarghese Mar
Ivanios on Thursday 10th July 2014. The Malankara catholic faithful from all
over kuwait joined the symbolic patha yatra with prayerful spirit. Also our
youth members wearing saffron shawls participated.Yuvajyothi convener Stanly
Thomas, Joint Convener Jobin Thomas & Yuvajyothi committee member Tinkoo Joy and
other Yuvajyothi officials led the program.
The Anusmarana Yathra started at 05.00 PM from St.
Daniel Comboni Parish, Abbassiya after the Dhoopa Prarthana. Rev. Fr. Joseph
Sundaram, the visiting priest(Vicar General of Marthandom Diocese), opened the
Anusmarana Yathra by passing the Vallikkurissu to the convener where Rev. Fr.
Albert Savieraj OCD ,the parish priest -in charge of the church wishes the
prayers to the pilgrims. KMRM Secretary Mr. Liju Parakkal , Treasurer Mr. Shaji
Varghese, Advisory Board Chairman Mr. K O John were present there .Yuvajyothi
joint Convener Jobin Thomas rendered vote of thanks.
The pilgrims then moved to Our Lady of Arabia Church,
Ahmadi . Hundreds of faithful were there to receive it and Rev. Fr. Jose
Nirappel OFM Cap,the parish priest received the pilgrims. After the
Dhoopaprarthana, Rev. Fr. Jose wished prayers to the pilgrims and Lince John
rendered the vote of thanks. Then the pilgrims moved towards Holy Family
Cathedral and they were received by Rev. Fr. Joseph Sundaram & KMRM officials
and was followed by Holy Qurbono & Nercha Vilampu. Yuvadharshanam 21st volume,
prepared as a special edition featuring Servant Of God Mar Ivanios was
distributed along with a prayer card. Rev. Fr. Joseph Sundaram appreciated the
youth and KMRM officials for the efforts to make the symbolic pilgrimage such an
organised one. KMRM Secretary Liju Parakkal rendered vote of thanks. The choir
was led by Yuvajyothi & the Nercha offered by youth members.
A Hearty Welcome!
Rev. Fr. Joseph Sundaram from the Eparchy of Marthandom arrived in
Kuwait on 10th of July 2014.He is the guest of His Excellency Camillo Ballin,
Apostolic Vicar of Kuwait. Managing Committee Members, Rev. Fr. Albert Saveriraj, OCD and
representatives from St. Daniel Comboni Parish, Abbasiya received Fr. Joseph at
the Kuwait International Airport.
He will be staying at St. Daniel Comboni Parish, Abbasiya and will
bein Kuwait till 9th of August 2014.
Mrs. Kunjamma Yohannan (78), Thattayil, Adoor, Mother of Mr. K.Y.
Benjamin (K009), St. Thomas Prayer Group, Abbassiya was called to heaven for her
eternal reward on July 13th,2014.
May her soul rest in peace.
Funeral will take
place later. We, the members of KMRM, express our heart-felt condolence on her
demise and pray to the Almighty that the bereaved family may find solace in God.
Cell # 97856829 (Benjamin)
KMRM bids Farewell to Mr. Abraham Varghese (Sajan)
A meeting conducted at KMRM Office (Srothas) on 30th June 2014 to
bid farewell to Mr. Abraham Varghese, Advisory Board Member (former KMRM
Secretary 2008-09 & 2011-12). KMRM admired his unwavering dedication and vision
for the growth of Malankara community in Kuwait for the last 13 years. KMRM
President Mr. Babuji Bathery, Advisory Board Chairman Mr. K.O.John, Mr. Kuruvila
Thomas, Mr. George Mathew (Bose), Mr. Alexander Thangalathil, Mr.Isac
Kadakampalli, Mr. Rajan Thottathil, rendered felicitation. KMRM Secretary Mr.
Liju Parakkel welcomed all and Treasurer Mr. Shaji Varghese rendered vote of
thanks. During the occasion a Memento was presented to Mr. Abraham Varghese by
Reverend Dr. John Padipurackal, Spiritual Director – KMRM. KMRM extends all the
best wishes for all his future endeavors.

Congratulation to Mr. Rajan Thottathil
KMRM would like to extend warmest congratulations to Mr. Rajan Thottathil (former
KMRM President) on his new position as the President of KMCA (Kuwait Malayalee
Catholic Association).
Mrs.Gracy Chacko (77),Kumbhazha, Pathanamthitta, Mother of Mr.
Thomas Chacko (T008), St.Johns Prayer Group, Abbassiya was called to heaven for
her eternal reward on July 5th,2014.
May her soul rest in peace.
Funeral will
take place later.
We, the members of KMRM, express our heart-felt condolence on
her demise and pray to the Almighty that the bereaved family may find solace in
God. Cell#99675874(Thomas)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! His Lordship Bishop Camillo Ballin
We, KMRM wish His Lordship Bishop Camillo Ballin a very Happy Birthday. We pray
for God’s favor and grace to continually be upon you. The Managing committee and
the Advisory Board members of KMRM had visited His Lordship on 23rd June 2014 at
his office at the Holy Family Cathedral, Kuwait City and wished him all success,
health and happiness on birthday.

Seminar for the parents: ="style5">A Seminar has been conducted for the parents on the topic "Parents role in developing children's personality" on June 2nd, 2014, 7pm at United Indian School. The section was led by Mr. Varghese Paul.

Concludes successful 3 day children’s camp MVBS-2014

KMRM arranged a 3 day children camp ‘MBVS 2014’ with the motto “To
Groom and Grow in Christian Faith” at “VIBGYOR” Training Center, Kabad from 9.00
am 29th May to 5.00 pm 31st May. Main objectives of the camp were faith
formation, value education, personality development and providing children boost
to take on their life with powerful tools to face their upcoming challenges.
Joseph K Daniel, KMRM Vice-President inaugurated the camp. Mr. Thomas Mamootil,
MCLS-HM, welcomed all the gathered. Reverend Dr. John Padipurackal - Spiritual
Director, KMRM had given the introductory speech. Mr. Binu K. John introduced
Mr. Varghese Paul to the camp. Rev. Dr. John Padipurackal, Mr. Joseph K Daniel,
Mr. Varhese Paul, Mrs. Catherine Binu– MCLS Asst. HM, Master Jasvin Biju - Jt.
Convener, Baladeepam lighted the traditional lamp during the inaugural ceremony.
Mr. Liju Abraham-KMRM Secretary proposed vote of thanks.

In this weekend
workshop, all children experienced awareness and awakening through group
discussions, visualizations, sharing, yoga, meditation and many more. There were
personality development programs and Bible activities. Prime objective of the
camp was to provide our children to grow spiritually and to showcase their
latent talents.
Training camp was titled “VIBGYOR” that stands for all the
positive qualities of a child should possess for their physical, mental and
spiritual growth (V - Veracious, I - Innovative, B – Benevolent, G – Gallant, Y
– Youthful, O – Optimistic, R – Rejuvenated).

The three day training camp was
led by the very eminent and generous personality from Kerala, Mr. Varghese Paul.
He is personnel with a bunch of knowledge comprising of different areas. He
serves as consultant trainer in various parts of the country.
Yoga session: As
part of the three day camp, Adv. Lakshmi Devi Ipparla, the professional yoga
trainer, conducted yoga session for the students. By profession, a lawyer,
worked at civil court, Hyderabad. Also she represented the Indian team at SAF
games. She took training in yoga and meditation from India as well as from
Kuwait. The session was very useful for the students.

Health Education:
Dr.Thomas Isac, works at General Medicine Department at Al-Sabah Hospital. He
has been serving in Kuwait for the last 10 years. He was also taken classes for
Teenage boy students on subject ‘Puberty: Understanding your changing body’.
Mrs. Sherly Mathew conducted a class on topic “Adolescence issues in girls” for
teenage girl students. Rev. Dr. John Padipurckal has taken classes for children
on Malankara Liturgy.
KMRM extends its sincere gratitude to Mr. Varghese Paul,
Rev. Dr. John Padipurackal, Adv. Lakshmi Devi, Dr. Thomas Isaac and Mrs. Sherly
Mathew for their meaningful classes.

Bhajan Session:- A Bhajan session was also
arranged. This session enlightened and motivated our children physically,
mentally and spiritually. Mr.Prathapan, Mr.Shyju and team led this session and
we extend our heartfelt gratitude for their dedicated support.
As part of the
closing ceremony, a rally was arranged proclaiming the message of the camp, was
a new feeling to all children.

In the closing ceremony meeting, Mr. Joseph K.
Daniel - Vice President, presided over the function. Mr. Binu K. John - Convener
welcomed all the gathered. Reverend Dr. John Padipurackal - Spiritual Director,
KMRM had given the Benedictory speech. Mr. Liju Abrham – Secretary, Mr. Shaji
Varghese - Treasurer, Mr. Jacob Thomas - Synod Commission Member, Mr. George
Mathew (Bose) - parent’s representative, Mr. Abraham Varghese (Sajan) – Advisory
Board Member, Master Jeswin Biju - Baladeepam Jt. Convener felicitated the
meeting. Camp evaluated by Kum: Binitha Mary Thomas & Master Bibin Joshua as
student representatives and by Varghese Paul Sir. Mr. Thomas Mamootil –MCLS HM,
rendered vote of thanks.

On behalf of KMRM, Rev. Dr. John Padipurackal handed
over a Memento to Varghese Paul Sir as token of appreciation. A camp diary was
released to commemorate the occasion. Mr. Shaji Varghese, Treasurer handed over
the diary to Mrs. Catherine Binu, Ast. HM and she in turn handed it over to Rev.
Fr. John Padipurackal and he released it.
Shaun Thomas & Varsha Elsa Jacob
(seniors) and Nibin Alex & Lida Maria George (juniors) awarded with best
Campers. The participants were each presented with a medal & certificate as
token of appreciation.

Thanks to KMRM Managing Committee / Advisory Board /
Yuvajyothi / Friends of Mary members, and parents/ senior members who visited
the camp and motivated the children. Special thanks to our spiritual director
Reverend Dr. John Padipurackal, the Convener Mr. Binu K. John, the Head Master
Mr. Thomas Mammottil, Asst. HM Mrs. Catherine Binu & all the teachers, Mr.
Stanly Thomas-Yuvajyothi Convener & team, Mrs. Bency Jacob - Friends of Mary
Convener & team, Mrs. & Mr. George Mathew (Bose) - parents’ representatives, for
their valuable and timely support. Thanks for the food committee Coordinator Mr.
Rose Kattukallil and members for the homely / fabulous food served on timely.
MCLS students of MCLS classes from 3rd to 10th participated and made the camp a
remarkable and memorable one. Last but the least a very special thanks to all
the parents who had supported and sent their children to the VIBGYOR for MBVS

MVBS -2014

MVBS -2014 – a three day camp organized by KMRM - Malankara Catholic Liturgical School, from May 29 to May 31, 2014. We are glad to welcome Mr. Varghese Paul – Chief Trainer of the program, to Kuwait.
Mr. Varghese Paul holds post-graduation in Economics, Education science, Social Service and Rural development. He acted as the president of All India Catholic University Federation (AICUF). He worked with Alcohol & Drug Information Centre (ADIC), Social Service Society, Trivandrum, and with Rajgiri College Kalamassery during a span of 10 years. He now serves as consultant trainer in various parts of the country.
It’s our pleasure to have an eminent personality like Mr. Varghese Paul, to lead the three day camp for our children.
KMRM Officials meets His Beatitude Mar George Cardinal Alencherry
The Managing Committee and Advisory Board members of KMRM visited
His Beatitude Mar George Cardinal Alencherry, the pater et caput of the
Syro-Malabar Church at Bishops House, Kuwait City on Sunday, 18th of May 2014,
3:00 pm. Reverend Dr. John Padipurackal, Spiritual Director, introduced the
team. Mr. Babuji Batheri - President & Mr. Liju Parakkel – Secretary, shared
with His Beatitude the activities of KMRM. His Beatitude stressed on the
importance of prayer and unity among all the Rites in the communion of the
Catholic Church. His Beatitude extended his wishes and blessings to KMRM family.
As a token of gratitude, Mr. Shaji Varghese – Treasure, handed over a gift to
His Beatitude.

Half Yearly General Body
On 15/05/14 the Holy Mass will be at 7:00 PM (prayer: 6:30PM).
Feast of Reverend Dr. John Padipurackal, our
Spiritual Director
Feast of Reverend Dr. John Padipurackal, Spiritual
Director celebrated on 8th May 2014 after Holy Qurbono, at Holy Family Cathedral
(Virgin Mary Hall), Kuwait City. On behalf of KMRM, President Mr. Babuji Bathery
rendered felicitation. The celebration was concluded with a cake cutting
ceremony by Rev.Dr. John Padipurackal with other members named "John" who were

KMRM Harvest Festival – VILAVOLSAV 2014

Harvest Festival of Malankara Catholics in Kuwait
“VILAVOLSAV 2014” hosted by Kuwait Malankara Rite Movement (KMRM) celebrated in
a splendid manner on Friday April 25th, 2014 at Indian Central School, Abbasiya,
Kuwait, from 9:00 am to 10:00 pm. This memorable event was marked in KMRM 20th
year with great pride and joy. Reverend Fr. Geevarghese Kaithavana of Mavelikara diocese,
inaugurated the festival by cutting ribbon, Mr. Jacob Varghese, Organizing
Committee Chairman, welcomed all gathered in the opening ceremony. It was a day
filled with lots of entertainment and fun. Cultural programs including group
dances, Nadan Pattu, Chenda Melam, Musical show stages which was well
appreciated by everyone.

Sargotsav–2014: a drawing and coloring competition for
school children LKG to 12th classes has been conducted. Hundreds of school
children across the Kuwait territory actively participated; followed by Group
dance competitions for various dance schools conducted. One of the other
attractions was the Nadan Pattu competition.

The winners for drawing competition
were: Group A (LKG, UKG & 1st) – Dynthi Vandana P (1st), Johan Varghese Sibi
(2nd), Anoha Maria Santhosh (3rd). Group B (II - IV) – Ahanroz Khanum (1st),
Ryan John Samuel (2nd), Anna Filena (3rd). Group C (V - VII) – Naveen Francis
(1st) Nibin Varghese (2nd), Davi Nandana (3rd). Group D (VIII - XII) – Aleena
Elsa George (1st), Catherin Vismaya Biju (2nd), Ferin Francis (3rd). Dance
Competition: Bhavans Rhythmscapes won the first prize, Step Up Stars, Flames won
the 2nd and 3rd prizes respectively.
Nadan Pattu Competition: Mr. K.R.Rajan &
team, Ms. Beena Sabu & team (Pulari) won the 1st and 2nd prizes respectively.

The ‘Food stalls’ operated by the different Area Prayer Groups served authentic
homemade Indian dishes throughout the festival. The ‘Mathiyo Mathiyo’ nadan
Thattukada & ‘Tintu Mon’ fast food corner organized by Yuvajyothi selling
delicious Kerala nadan foods attracted a huge crowd. Friends of Mary organized
Ornaments stall, plants stall, food stall, and medical counter were attracted
many. The Toy Store and Game zone, introduced by Baladdepam team, was the main
attraction to the children gathered. Soft drinks stall, Fresh juice stall, KMRM
Resources Center, Books/CDs stall, etc… were also available.

Auction of various
agricultural crops (ആദ്യഫലം) donated by KMRM members and ‘American auction’ were
also conducted, and everyone joyfully participated in each auctions.

As part of
the 20th year celebrations, in the evening public meeting Shri A.K. Srivasatav,
Indian Embassy Second Secretary (Information & Culture) was the chief guest.
Shri Babuji Batheri, KMRM President presided over the function. Mr. Liju
Abraham, KMRM Secretary welcomed all the gathered. Reverend Dr. John
Padipurackal, Spiritual Director, KMRM had given the Introductory speech and
Reverend Fr. Geevarghese Kaithavana, the visiting priest from Mavelikkara
Diocese had done the Key Note address. Shri. K.O.John, KMRM Advisory Board
Chairman felicitated the function. Shri A.K. Srivasatav, Rev. Dr. John
Padipurackal, Rev. Fr. Geevarghese Kaithavana, Shri Babuji Batheri, Shri. Samon
AO – General Convener Vilavolsav, Shri. Stanly Thomas – Yuvajyhothi Convener,
Mrs. Bency Jacob - Friends of Mary Convener lighted the traditional lamp during
the inaugural ceremony. Mr. Thomas Mamootil - MLS-Head Master, Master Jasvin
Biju - Jt.Convener - Baladeepam, Mr. Jacob Varghese were also present. Mr. Shaji
Varghese, Treasurer proposed the vote of thanks.

A souvenir was released to
commemorate the occasion by Mr. Afsal Khan (Country Head – Malabar Gold) with
Mr. B.P.Nazar (Frontline Regional Manager) and given the 1st copy to Mr. Biju
Joshua (Vilavolsav-advertisement Convener). A Raffle draw was also conducted
with attractive prizes at the event.
During the event KMRM children who are
living to India after completion of 10th & 12th standard honored. As a token of
appreciation Mr. A.K. Srivasatav handed over the mementos to the children.
During the event, KMRM offered vote-of-thanks to the visiting priest Rev.Fr.
Geevarghese Kaithavana. On behalf of KMRM, MLS Headmaster Mr. Thomas Mamootil
handed over a Memento as token of appreciation.

The major attraction of the
event was Ganamela by Star Singers Ms. Preethi Warrier, Mr. Arun Gopan and Mr.
Willams Isac conducted in two Segments, 1st at 3:00pm and jumbo ganamela from
08:00 pm to 10:00 pm.
Efforts taken by conveners, Mr. George Mathew (Bose) –
Reception, Mr. Issac Kadakampallil – Program Convener, Adv.Shibu Jacob –
Sargotsav, Mr. Shamon Jacob – Stage, Mr. Rose Kattukallil – Food, Mr. Benoy
Abraham – Stall, Mr. Alex Varghese (Benny) – Coupon, Mr. Biju George Delhi –
Souvenir, Mr. Thomas P. Varghese – Finance, Mr. Jiju Varghese – Volunter’s, Mr.
M.J. John – Aadyavilav, Mr. Gibi Abraham – Media & Publicity, Mr. Libu John –
Photography, Mr. Tinkoo Joy – Auction, Mr. Biju Joshua – Advertisement and their
teams were remarkable. Kumari Varsha Jacob & Master Bibin Thomas compared the
public meeting. Mr. Binu K. John was the Master of Ceremonies of this wonderful
Thanks all for your enormous contributions that you made towards the
success of our Harvest festival – VILAVOLSAV 2014.

Mr. Alexander Thomas (61), Father- in-law of Mr. Gijo
Papachen , St. Marys Prayer group, Abbassiya was called to heaven for his
eternal reward on April 21st,2014. May his soul rest in peace!
Funeral will take place later. We,
the members of KMRM, express our heart-felt condolence on his demise and pray to
the Almighty that the bereaved family may find solace in God.

The Malankara Catholic Community in Kuwait celebrated
Qyamtha -Easter, which is the commemoration of the resurrection of Our Lord,
Jesus Christ on the third after His Crucifixion. Hundreds of faithful gathered
for Easter Service and Procession at the Holy Family Cathedral, Kuwait City at 3
am on Sunday, 20 April 2014.

Visiting priest Reverend Fr. Geevarghese Kaithavana,
Mavelikara led the Service and Holy Qurbono. Reverend Dr. John Padipurackal,
Parish Priest of St. Daniel Comboni, Abbasiya and Spiritual Director of KMRM was
the co-celebrant.
GOOD FRIDAY (ദുഃഖവെള്ളി)
Father, in your hands I place my spirit." (Lk 23:46)

Good Friday we commemorate the passion, or suffering, and death on
the cross of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The Gospel references: Mat:27; Mark:15;
Luk:23; and Joh:19. Malankara Catholic community in Kuwait held a traditional
communion service at Carmal School, Khaitan on 18th April 2014 from 09:00 am to
05:00pm. Rev. Fr. Geevarghese Kaithavana and Rev. Dr. John Padipurckal offered
the services. Over 1500 members attended, and were on fast to remember the
sacrifice Jesus made for all on the day of crucifixion. It was concluded by
serving ‘Kanji’ to all members.

Our Patron, His Lordship Bishop Camillo Ballin
(the Apostolic Vicar of Northern Arabia) blessed with his presence and message,
and wished all a ‘Happy Easter’.

Maundy Thursday (പെസഹ വ്യാഴം)

Maundy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper when
Jesus shared the Passover (Pessaha) meal with his disciples on the night before
he was crucified. Jesus washed the feet of His disciples, and told them: "I have
set an example for you, so that you will do just what I have done for you."
(John 13:15) During the Passover meal, Jesus took a piece of bread, gave a
prayer of thanks, broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take it and
eat it. This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in memory of me." In
the same way after the supper, Jesus took a cup, gave thanks to God, and gave it
to them, saying, "Drink it, all of you. This is my blood, which seals God's
covenant, my blood poured for many for the forgiveness of sins." [Matthew
26:22-26; Luke 22:14-20; 1Cori 11:23-26]. This denotes the institution of the
Holy Eucharist or Holy Mass.
As part of Malankara tradition, a special Holy Mass
was held at Holy Family City Cathedral early morning of Thursday (17-Apr-14) at
03:30 am. ‘Pessaha Appam’ prepared in each home by Malakarites, was brought
together and distributed amongst the members, after the holy mass.

Osana Perunnal (ഓശാനപ്പെരുന്നാള്)

Malankara Catholic community in Kuwait traditionally
celebrated Osana Perunnal (Palm Blessing, Procession & Holy Qurbono) the
Triumphal Entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, the week before his death and
resurrection, on 12th April 2014, 6:30 pm at Holy Family Cathedral Kuwait City.
Rev. Fr. Geevarghese Kaithavana offered the Osana services.

The Bible reveals that when Jesus entered Jerusalem,
the crowds greeted him with waving palm branches and by covering his path with
palm branches; and laid down their clothes. Crowds shouted 'Hosanna!' which
means Save us Now!. Palm Sunday is the seventh and last Sunday of Lent and the
beginning of Holy Week. [Matthew 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:29-38; and John
12:12-16]. Over 1000 community members attended the Osana Services.

Mr. Mathai. C. M (92),Chamakalayil House, Mylapra, Father of Mr. C. M.
Mathew(C002),St. Marys Prayer group, Abbassiya was called to heaven for his
eternal reward on April 9th, 2014.
May his soul rest in peace!
Funeral will take place on April 12th, 2014 at Sacred Heart Malankara Catholic
Church, Mylapra .
Cell# 97589022( C. M. Mathew)
Eldaah 2014 (Knowledge of God)
Eldaah 2014 a day organized by KMRM-Yuvajyothi (YJ), on 28th March, 2014 at
Successline Auditorium, Abbasiya, Kuwait. The program started with meeting where
Baladeepam Members have done the prayer song and Mr. Jobin Thomas, Joint
Convener of Yuvajyothi, welcomed everyone to the meeting. The meeting was
presided over by Mr. Stanly Thekkekurumpolil Thomas, Convener of Yuvajyothi and
was inaugurated by Mr. Babuji Bathery, President, KMRM. Reverend Dr. John
Padipurackal, Spiritual Director, KMRM had given the Benedictory speech and Rev.
Fr. Geevarghese Kaithavana, the visiting priest from Mavelikkara Diocese had
done the Key Note address. Mr. K.O.John - Advisory Board Chairman, Mr. Shaji
Varghese - Treasurer, Mr. Jacob Varghese - Animator-Yuvajyothi, Mr. Jacob Thomas
- Synod Commission Member, Mrs. Bency Jacob – Convener - Friends of Mary, Adv.
Shibu Jacob - Animator-Baladeepam, felicitated the meeting. Mr. Shibin Philip,
Mr. Biju George, Mr. Tinkoo Joy presented various activities of Malankara
Catholic youth’s in Kuwait / India.
On this occasion, YJ honored it’s previous
Conveners Mr. Gijo John, Mr. Benoy Abraham, Mr. Jimmy Abraham, Mr. Lince John,
Mr. Thomas Mamootil who were present, by Mr. Joseph K. Daniel, Vice President
and Mr. Binu Varghese, Jt. Secretary, KMRM.
KMRM congratulated the visiting
priest Rev. Fr. Geevarghese Kaithavana, for the Anniversary of his Ordination
Day (March 27th) by cutting the Cake. Mr. Lince John, Convener - Eldahh 2014
proposed the vote of thanks.
The meeting was followed by the ‘Quiz Program’ and
there were 6 teams representing Prayer groups participated. Mr. Abhilash Thomas
was the Quiz Master and was supported by Judging Panel – Mr. Jacob Varghese,
Mrs. Bency Jacob & Mr. Stanly Thomas and the officials Mr. Anil George Rajan
-Joint Convener of Eldaah 2014, Mr. Jobin Babu, Mr. Shamon Chirathalackal Jacob,
Mr. Shaiju Nilackal Thankachan, Mr. Biju T U, and Mr. Jacob Mathew. Shalom
Abbassiya, Sec:3 (Mrs. Sini Sunil, Mrs. Neenu Nevin & Mrs. Tiji Mathew) won the
1st Prize, St. John's, Sec:1 (Mrs. Mary Tinkoo, Mr. Diju Alexander & Mr. Juby
George) and St. Thomas, Sec:4 (Mr. Aji Philip, Mr. Jimmy Abraham & Mr. Binu
George) won the 2nd & 3rd prizes respectively.
Thanks to all, who sincerely put
the efforts to make Eldaah-2014 a success.

KMRM Officials meets His Grace Bishop Stanly Roman,
Bishop of Kollam
The Managing Committee and Advisory Board members of
KMRM had visited His Excellency Rt. Reverend Stanly Roman, Bishop of Kollam at
Bishops House, Kuwait City on Monday, 24th March 2014.
Reverend Dr. John Padipurackal, Spiritual Director,
introduced the team. Mr. K.O. John, Advisory Board Chairman, welcomed His
Excellency and recalled with gratitude the great support of Bishop Alosius
Benziger, Bishop of Kollam, who received Servant of God, Archbishop Mar Ivanios
and others in to the Catholic Communion. On his message, His Excellency
emphasized the warm relation between Kollam Diocese and the Malanakara Church,
and stressed on the importance of unity among all the Rites. His Excellency
extended his wishes and blessings for KMRM family. Mr. Joseph K. Daniel,
Vice-President rendered vote of thanks, and Mr. Shaji Varghese, Treasurer handed
over a token of appreciation to His Excellency.

Rev. Fr. Geevarghese Kaithavana arrives in Kuwait

A Hearty Welcome! Rev. Fr. Geevarghese Kaithavana from the Eparchy
of Mavelikara, arrived in Kuwait on 27th March 2014 for Holy week services of
various Catholic parishes in Kuwait. He is the guest of His Excellency Camillo
Ballin, Apostolic Vicar of Kuwait.
KMRM Spiritual Director, Managing Committee Members, and
representatives from St. Daniel Comboni Parish, Abbasiya received Rev. Fr.
Geevarghese Kaithavana at the Kuwait International Airport.
Fr. Geevarghese was ordained on 27 March 2009 at St. Stephen's
Malankara Catholic Church, Poozhickadu, Pandalam (home Parish). He has Masters
Degree in Theology from Dharmaram Vidyakshetram, Bangalore. At present he is
Vicar of St. Peter's Chruch, Venmony and St. John's Church Kodukulanji.
He will be staying in St. Daniel Comboni Parish, Abbasiya and will
be available in Kuwait till 26th April 2014.
Eldaah 2014

VILAVOLSAV-2014, Raffle coupon
KMRM has released its upcoming Mega event Harvest
Festival VILAVOLSAV “Raffle Coupon” on 13th March 2014, after the Holy Mass at
Virgin Mary Hall, Kuwait City Cathedral.
Mr. Liju Parakkel, Secretary handed over the coupon
to Mr. Jacob Varghese, Vilavolsav Organizing Committee Chairman and Mr. Jacob
handed over the same to Reverend Dr. John Padipurackal, Spiritual Director for
the release. Fr. John Padipurackal released the coupon by giving a copy to Mr.
Babuji Bathery, President. Mr. Babuji handed over the same to Mr. K.O.John,
Advisory Board Chairman.
1st Sale: Mr. Sammon A.O, General Convener handed
over the coupon to Rev. Dr. John Padipurackal. 1st sale of the coupon
inaugurated, by Mr. Rose Kattukallil receiving the coupon from Fr. John
Padipurackal. Mr. Rose handed over the 1st sale cash to Mr. Alex Varghese,
Raffle Coupon convener. On this occasion Mr. Shaji Varghese, Treasurer, Mr.
Joseph Daniel, Vice President were also present.
VILAVOLSAV-2014 is scheduled on 25th April 2014. All
the KMRM Members are requested to support and participate whole-heartedly for
the success of our mega event VILAVOLSAV-2014.

Inauguration: Friends of Mary Abbasiya Sector 3
(Shalom) prayer Unit
Friends of Mary (FOM) Prayer unit at Abbassiya Sector
3 was inaugurated on March 14th, 2014 at the residence of Mrs. Shinu Jino. KMRM
President Mr. Babuji Bathery presided over the function. FOM area coordinator
Mrs. Tiji Mathew rendered welcome speech. Occasion was graced with the prayers
and blessings from Reverend Dr. John Padipurackal, Spiritual Director, KMRM.
KMRM Secretary Mr. Liju Parakkel, Advisory Board Chairman Mr. K. O. John,
Treasurer Mr. Shaji Varghese, Area committee members Mr. Jacob Varghese, Mr.
Isac Isac, Prayer Coordinators Mr. Sunil Samuel, Mr. Benoy Abraham, FOM Convener
Mrs. Bency Jacob, FOM Jt. Convener Mrs. Micky Gijo were present. FOM area
coordinator Mrs. Deepa Anu rendered vote of thanks.

KMRM santhwana project 2014, SWASRAYA SANTHWANA, inaugurated on 6th March 2014, after the Holy Mass at Virgin Mary Hall, Kuwait City Cathedral. A brochure containing the details of the project has released.
Mr. Liju Parakkel, Secretary handed over the brochure to Mr. K.O.John, Advisory Board Chairman and Mr. K.O.John handed over the same to Reverend Dr. John Padipurackal, Spiritual Director for inauguration and release. Fr. John Padipurackal released the brochure by giving a copy to Mr. Jacob Varghese, Charity Convener for circulation.
First offer cheque handed over to Reverend Dr. John Padipurackal by Mr. Sammon A.O., Advisory Board Member. Fr. John handed over the 1st cheque officially to Mr. Babuji Bathery, President, and Mr. Babuji handed over the same to Mr. Binu Varghese, Jt. Secretary on behalf of Treasurer. Mr. Jobin Thomas Yuvajyothi Jt.Convener was also present.
SWASRAYA SANTHWANA, plans to give an aid to poor people, to financially support them on initiating a
self employment (സ്വയം തൊഴില്). We are mainly focusing on widows, handicapped people, etc. without any communal / religious boundaries.
KMRM intends to follow the Malankara Rite Tradition in spiritual, social and various cultural activities. Realizing the fundamental nature of our Christian call to serve the poor, we are all the more inspired by such a process of self evaluation to commit ourselves more seriously and sincerely to uplift the poor and the marginalized in our society and to strengthen them in every way possible. One of our main activities is the Charity program “SANTHWANA“ which provides assistance on the basis of needs of people, irrespective of caste and creed, to transform lives through: Emergency Assistance Programs, Medical Assistance Programs, Education Assistance Programs and Social Assistance Programs.
The fulfillment of such major projects is only possible with the generous support from you all. We believe the unity will make us more effective in meeting the
social needs of our world, creating a happy society and achieving many of our society’s needs. The beauty of God’s plan is that we were meant to get along with one another in unity while accepting and sharing our fellow members various needs. Requesting all the members to make our current year Charity Program a grant success.

Mr. P. V. Varghese(63),puthettu House, blockpadi, Ranny, Father- in-law of Mr. Shaji Mathew(S022),Mar Ivanios Prayer group, Salmiya was called to heaven for his eternal reward on March 13,2014.
May his soul rest in peace!
Funeral will take place later. We, the members of KMRM, express our heart-felt condolence on his demise and pray to the Almighty that the bereaved family may find solace in God.
Malankara Gulf Meet 2014 (2nd Planning Session, Saturday, 8th March
2014 - Dubai)
Priests and representatives of Malankarites from all the Gulf
Countries came together in Dubai (UAE) in order to plan the details of the First
Gulf Meet which will be held on July 15 & 16, 2014 in Trivandrum, Kerala. The
planning session was held on Saturday 8th March 2014 in Dubai (UAE). Rev. Dr.
John Padipurackal (Ecclesiatical Coordinator of the Malankara Faithful in the
Gulf Religion) and Mr Babuji Bathery (President, KMRM) represented the Malankara
Catholic Community in Kuwait. Along with representatives from their countries,
Rev. Fr. Mathew Kandathil (Dubai), Rev. Fr. Cherian Manapurath (Qatar & Bahrain)
and Rev. Fr. Antony Plamparambil (Muscat) took part in the planning session. Dr.
James Palamuttem and Mr. K. S. Varghese represented the faithful in KSA. Rev.
Fr. Mathew Kandathil (Dubai), Mr. Biren Philip (President, Central Committee)
made all the arrangements for the session.
The venue of the First Gulf Meet, a
momentous event in the history of the Malankara Catholic Church, is St. Mary's
Malankara Seminary, Bethany Hills, Nalanchira, Trivandrum, Kerala.

JCC won the ‘KMRM-Yuva T20 Cup’ Cricket Tournament
Jabriya Cricket Club (JCC) won the first KMRM - UAE EXCHANGE “YUVA
T20 CUP” Cricket tournament organized by KMRM-YUVAJYOTHI the Malankara Catholic
Youth in Kuwait. The tournament had been organized in commemoration of the 20th
Anniversary of KMRM.
The Post Match Presentation Ceremony started with Kuwait
National Anthem and was presided over by Mr. Stanly Thomas, Yuvajyothi Convener
& Tournament Manager. The sponsors of the tournament, Mr. Saad Malik Almeaili,
the Marketing Communication Officer of Taiba Hospital, Mr. Horst Berger,
Director of Operations Bredz Factory, & Mr. Renjith Pillai, Manager Business
Development UAE Exchange were the special guests. Reverend Dr. John
Padipurackal, Spiritual Director-KMRM, Rev. Fr. K. A. Varghese, Vicar-Ahmadi
Marthoma Church, Mr. Babuji Bathery, President-KMRM, Mr. Liju Parakkel,
Secretary-KMRM and Mr. Shaji Varghese, Treasurer-KMRM were present and they
appreciated the organizing committee for their efforts put in. Tournament
Advisor Adv. Shibu Jacob compared the meeting. Mr. Saad released the Tournament
Souvenir and handed over to Mr. Byju Kurian, Tournament Convener.
The winner’s
trophy and cash prize was handed over by Mr. Saad - Taiba Hospital who sponsored
the cash prize. Mr. Berger - Bredz handed over the Runners-Up Trophy and cash
prize to Ahmadi Marthoma Church team and Mr. Renjith UAE exchange handed over
the Man of the series to Mr. Arivu of JCC. UAE Exchange was the sponsor of all
the trophies, medals & Certificates. Second Cup International Coffee was brewed
and available throughout the Final Match. The meeting was concluded with the
National Anthem of India.

AMMAPPAKAL 2014 (അമ്മപകല് -
As part of the International Women's Day (Mar 08), KMRM Friends of
Mary (FOM) unit organized a Women’s Meet - AMMAPPAKAL 2014 on 7th March, 2014 at
United Indian School, Abbasiya, Kuwait. The workshop started with a public
meeting, presided over by FOM Convener Mrs. Bency Jacob. The gathering was
welcomed by Mrs. Micky Gijo, Jt. Convener, and was inaugurated by Mr. Babuji
Bathery, President, KMRM. Chief gust was Adv. John Thomas [Manager of United
Indian School]. The occasion was graced with the prayers and blessings from
Reverend Dr. John Padipurackal, Spiritual Director, KMRM. Mr. K.O.John, Advisory
Board Chairman, KMRM, Mr. Liju Mr. Liju Parackel, Secretary, KMRM, Mr. Shaji
Varghese, Treasurer, KMRM felicitated the function and Mrs. Ajimol Santhosh
proposed the vote of thanks. Mrs. Sajitha Scaria effectively compared the
On this occasion, Rev. Dr. John Padipurackal released a ‘Kaiyezhuthu
Magazine - AMMA MANASU (അമ്മ മനസ്)’ by giving a copy to Mr. Babuji Bathery.
part of the workshop, Adv. John Thomas given a serious lecture on topic
‘sthrikal – kudumba samoohiha jeevithathile prathibadhathakal (സ്ത്രികള് -
കുടുംബ സാമൂഹിക ജീവിതത്തിലെ പ്രതിബധത കള്)’ and Mrs. Sherly Mathew conducted a
class on topic “Importance of Mother & Baby during lactation”. KMRM Friends of
Mary extend their sincere gratitude to Adv. John Thomas & Mrs. Sherly Mathew for
their meaningful lectures.
A competition on vegetable carving was also arranged
for the ladies.

As part of its 20th Anniversary program, KMRM
organized Vasantha Yathra 2014, a picnic exclusively for the KMRM members at
Vasantha Nagar Park, Kabd on 28th February, 2014. It was a day filled with fun
and entertainment for all KMRM family members. The idea of the picnic was to
create a sense of togetherness and share the joy and happiness as a family. The
picnic was structured with a number of exciting outdoor games that involved
concentration, teamwork, intelligence and a lot of fun. The event started off at 9.00 AM with
Kuwait National Anthem and followed by prayer by Mr. Alexander Thangalathil. Mr.
Liju Abraham, Secretary, KMRM rendered a warm welcome. As part of the 20th KMRM
Anniversary year, Mr. Babuji Bathery, President, hoisted the KMRM flag, spoke a
few words of encouragement and declared the picnic as open. Over 500 members
from 7 area prayer groups of KMRM, lined up under their designated flags. The
event was graced with the prayers and blessings from Reverend Dr. John
Padipurackal, Spiritual Director, KMRM.
The kids enjoyed playing Love with
Toffe, Running Race and musical chairs. The ladies played Empowering Relay,
Thirsty Glass, and the exciting game of Jack Pot. The picnic witnessed with
thrilling men team games of Jolly Walker, Air Ball, and Tug ‘O’ war; 7 teams
played in an extremely sportive spirit. Thanks to the LORD Almighty! Last day of
February proved as an enjoyable and pleasant day.

The following were the Winners:
RUNNING RACE – RELAY (Children) Boys: 2 – 4 classes
(1st: St:Thomas, Abbasiya; 2nd: St.John’s Abbasiya; 3rd: Mar Ivanios, Salmiya)
Boys: 5 – 7 classes (1st: Mary Matha, Fahaheel; 2nd: Mar Ivanios, Salmiya; 3rd:
St.John’s Abbasiya)
Boys: 8 – 12 classes (1st: Shalom, Abbasiya; 2nd: St.Thomas,
Abbasiya; 3rd: St.Mary’s, Abbasiya)
Girls: 2 – 4 classes (1st: St:Mary’s,
Abbasiya; 2nd: Mar Ivanios, Salmiya; 3rd: Mary Matha, Fahaheel)
Girls: 5 – 7
classes (1st: St: Thomas, Abbasiya; 2nd: St.John’s Abbasiya; 3rd: Mary Matha,
Girls: 8 – 12 classes (1st: Mary Matha, Fahaheel; 2nd: Shalom,
Abbasiya; 3rd: St.Mary’s, Abbasiya)
AIR BALL (Gents) (1st: Mary Matha,
Fahaheel; 2nd: St. Mary’s, Abbasiya)
EMPOWERING RELAY (Ladies) (1st: Mary
Matha, Fahaheel; 2nd: St. Thomas, Abbasiya; 3rd: St.Johns, Abbasiya)
WALKER (Gents) (1st: : St.Johns, Abbasiya; 2nd: Mary Matha, Fahaheel; 3rd: 1
point to all)
JACK POT (Ladies & Gents) (1st: St. Thomas, Abbasiya; 2nd:
Shalom, Abbasiya; 3rd: Mary Matha, Fahaheel)
THIRSTY GLASS (Ladies) (1st: Mar
Ivanios, Salmiya; 2nd: St. Johns, Abbasiya; 3rd: St.Thomas, Abbasiya)
WAR (Gents) (1st: Mary Matha, Fahaheel; 2nd: St. Mary’s, Abbasiya; 3rd:
St.Johns, Abbasiya)

A special event for small Kids “Love with Toffe” was enjoyed by all. 1 to 3 age group, Noel, Ebel, Arpitha won the first, second and third prizes respectively. 4 to 6 age group Juan, Aashik, Angelena won the first, second and third prizes respectively. Another attraction was children’s Musical Chair, over 50 children’s participated, and Maria Joseph, Blessimol Cherian, Kevin Biju won the first, second and third prizes respectively.
A thrilling surprise game for men “The Bald Man Contest” was the highlight of the day. Over 300 men participated, and finally the winners were, Mr. Thomas Varghese (Biju) of Mar Invanios (1st), Mr. Ivin Babu of Shalom (2nd) and Mr. Biju A.O of St. Johns (3rd).
The picnic came to an end with the prize distribution and announcement of Trophy for OVER-ALL CHAMPIONSHIP & TOTAL PARTICIPATION and prayer by Mr. Isac Isac, MC Member. Vote of thanks given by General Convener Mr. Binu K. John.
Special Congratulations to prayer groups, Mary Matha - Fahaheel who secured OVER-ALL CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY, 1st Runner-up St: Thomas – Abbasiya, 2nd Runner-up St.Johns - Abbasiya and Shalom - Abbasiya for winning the TOTAL PARTICIPATION TROPHY.

Special thanks to Mr. Dilip D.K., who well conducted all the games. KMRM honored Dilip Sir during this occasion and Treasurer Mr. Shaji Varghese handed over a token of appreciation.
The picnic was well coordinated by General Convener Mr. Binu K. John. Picnic Committee team, Managing Committee members, Advisory Board members, Prayer Coordinators, and Yuvajyothi / Friends of Mary/ Baladeepam Conveners put their efforts in making this picnic to a full day fun filled event. Friends of Mary assistance with ‘thani nadan’ food stall is highly appreciated by one and all. Thanks to food committee members for the delicious food served. Event photography was efficiently made by Mr. Libu John and sound system by Mr. Jacob Philip.
The day was concluded in a very joyous note at 6 P.M., with flag down ceremony, followed by National Anthem of India.
Everyone enjoyed the get-together and the wonderful feeling of spending quality time with other members. KMRM made it a unique experience and added one more memorable day in the history of KMRM. Thanks to all our family members for the grand success of KMRM PICNIC-VASANTHA YATRA 2014.

KMRM Foundation Day (27th February)
Kuwait Malankara Rite Movement (KMRM) celebrated its 20th Foundation
day on 27th February 2014, after Holy Qurbono, at Holy Family Cathedral (Virgin
Mary Hall), Kuwait City. On the occasion, an official flag was released. The
flag blends the colours of the papal flag and catholicate flag bearing the KMRM
logo. Secretary, Mr. Liju Parakkel handed over the same to Reverend Dr. John
Padipurackal, Spiritual Director - KMRM for the blessings and handed over to
Founder member Mr. K. V. Paul, who received and passed it on to the former
presidents of KMRM Mr. Alexander Thangalathil, Mr. Thomas Pattiyanikal, Mr. M.
J. John & Mr. Binu. K. John and finally to Rev. Dr. John Padipurackal for
release. Fr. John released the flag and handed over to president Mr Babuji
Bathery. The celebration was concluded with a cake cutting ceremony by Rev.Dr.
John Padipurackal, Mr. Babuj Batheri, Mr. Shaji Varghese (Treasurer) and founder
members (Mr. K. V. Paul, Mr. Alexander Thangalathil, Mr. M. J. John, Mr. Joseph K.
Daniel and Mr.Binu K John), former presidents who were presently in Kuwait.

Shri P.J.Philip (77), Kalladiyil House, Thottakad, Kottayam, Father-
in-law of Mr. Shaju Varghese (S024), Mary Matha Prayer Group, Fahaheel was
called to heaven for his eternal reward on February 28,2014.
May his soul rest
in peace!
Funeral will take place on March 01, 2014, 2:00 pm at St. George
Catholic Church, Thottakad.
We, the members of KMRM, express our heart-felt
condolence on his demise and pray to the Almighty that the bereaved family may
find solace in God.
Cell#66524355 (Shaju)


You are cordially invited to “VASANTHA YATRA 2014”, picnic by KMRM
on its 20th year, which will be held on Friday, 28th of February 2014 from 8.00
AM to 4.00 PM , at Vasanthanagar Park, KABD
For Registration and more details, kindly Contact the Committee
Members as below:
Abbassiya Sector 1-Rana Varghese (97526427)
Abbassiya Sector 2-Shaji George (97277804)
Abbassiya Sector 3 – Issac Issac (66413457)
Abbassiya Sector 4-James C.B (99341052)
Riggae - Shaji Kunjachen (94463138)
Salmiya – Binu.K.John (99530755)
Fahaheel-Binu. K.Varghese (97271828)
Transportation coordinators:
Abbassiya-Rana Varghese (97526427) Fahaheel-Binu Vilayil Rajan
(66826640) Riggae - Shaji Kunjachen (94463138) Salmiya- Kuriakose Joseph
Transportation Timings: UIS, Abbasiya – 7.00 AM , Riggae – 6.45 AM ,
Salmiya – 7.00 AM , Fahaheel – 7.00 AM

Mr. K. V. Abraham (78), kalapurackal House,Kadenekadu, Manimala, Father-
in-law of Mr. K. K. Babu(K003), Mar Ivanios Prayer group, Salmiya was called
to heaven for his eternal reward on February 18,2014.
May his
soul rest in peace!
Funeral will take place on February 22, 2014, 3pm at St. Basil Catholic
Church, Manimala.
We, the members of KMRM,
express our heart-felt condolence on his demise and pray to the Almighty that
the bereaved family may find solace in God.

Reverend Fr. Stanislaus Kakkanatt (77), brother of His Grace Abraham Mar Julios (Diocese of Muvattupuzha) was called to heaven for his eternal reward on February 17,2014. Funeral will take place on Wednesday Feb 18th at St. John's Metropolitan Cathedral, Thiruvalla.
May God reward him Eternal Rest!
Inauguration: Friends of Mary Abbasiya Sec2 (St. Mary's) prayer Unit
Friends of Mary (FOM) Prayer unit at Abbassiya
Sector2 was inaugurated on February 14th, 2014 at the residence of Mrs. Bency
Jacob. KMRM President Mr. Babuji Bathery presided over the function. FOM
Convener Mrs. Bency Jacob rendered welcome speech. Occasion was graced with the
prayers and blessings from Reverend Dr. John Padipurackal, Spiritual Director,
KMRM. Secretary Mr. Liju Abraham, Advisory Board Member Mr. Sammon A.O, Synodal
Commission member Mr. Jacob Thomas, MLS Head Master Mr. Thomas Mamootil, KMRM
committee member Mr. Shaji George, Prayer Coordinators Mr. Joseph Vengal, Mr.
Jacob Vilayil were present. FOM area coordinator Mrs. Molly Francis delivered
vote of thanks

Mrs.Mariamma George (85), Edayadiyil
House,Mathoor,Omallor,Pathanamthitta, Mother of Mr. Saji
George (S004), St.Marys Prayer group, Abbassiya Sector2 was called to
heaven for her eternal reward on February 15,2014.
May her soul rest in peace!
Funeral will take place on Monday, 17-02-2014 at
St.George Malankara Catholic Church, Eara-Thumpamon(Diocese of Pathanamthitta).
We, the members of KMRM, express our heart-felt
condolence on her demise and pray to the Almighty that the bereaved family may
find solace in God.
Landline (India) # 0091 4682350673

Congratulations: new CBCI President, His Beatitude
Moran Mor Baselios Cardinal Cleemis
The Catholic Bishops' Conference of India (C.B.C.I.) has elected His Beatitude
Moran Mor Baselios Cardinal Cleemis Catholicos as its new President. He is the
sixth Malayalee who is appointed in this position and selected by the CBCI
plenary meeting at Pala.
The Cardinal is currently also the President of KCBC.
Kuwait Malankara Rite Movement extends prayerful Congratulations to Moran Mor
Baselios Cardinal Cleemis. We pray that God Almighty may shower all the
blessings in his service to lead CBCI to new heights.
Carol Song-Nazerath Night
KMRM Officials meets H.L. Bishop Camillo Ballin,
MCCJ, Apostolic Vicar of Northern Arabia
The Managing committee and the Advisory Board members of KMRM (2013-14), had visited His Lordship Bishop Camillo Ballin, on 5th February 2014 at his office at the Holy Family Cathedral, Kuwait City and rendered our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to him. His Lordship extended his wishes and blessings to KMRM. Reverend Dr. John Padipurackal - Spiritual Director, Mr. Babuji Bathery, President, Mr. K.O. John, Advisory Board Chairman, Mr. Liju Parackel, Secretary, Mr. Shaji Varghese, Treasurer and other committee and advisory board members were present.
Visit to the Apostolic Nuncio in Kuwait
KMRM Executive Members of the Managing Committee 2013-14 met the Apostolic Nunciature of Kuwait, His Grace Archbishop Petar Rajic on the 3rd of February at Holy See-Vatican Embassy, Yarmouk. Reverend Dr. John Padipurackal, Spiritual Director, introduced the team. Mr. K.O. John, Advisory Board Chairman, shared with His Grace the activities of KMRM and Mr. Babuji Bathery, President, explained in detail KMRM's annual program- plan. His Grace extended his wishes and blessings for KMRM family. He stressed on the importance of prayer and unity among all the Rites under the Catholic Church. Mr. Jacob Thomas, Synodal Commission Member, Mr. Liju Parackel, Secretary, Mr. Joseph Kuriakose, Vice President, Mr. Binu Varghese, Joint Secretary were also present.

Japam - KMRM-Yuvajyothi's common prayer
KMRM-Yuvajyothi's first common prayer (2013-14) was held at KMRM Office (Srothas) at 3:00 pm on 31st of January 2014. Reverend Dr. John Padipurackal, Spiritual Director - KMRM, inaugurated the function by lighting the candle which was passed through all the attendees. Rev. Dr. John Padipurackal initiated the introductory prayer and addressed the youth. Mr. K.V.Paul (one of the founder members of KMRM) shared his few experiences on the initial efforts taken for Malankara Community in Kuwait and handed over some special books on Malankara Syrian Catholic Church to Yuvajyothi Convener Stanly Thomas. Biju George and Jimmy Abraham were the prayer coordinators.

Inauguration: Friends of Mary (FOM) Prayer Unit – St.
Thomas Prayer Group, Abbasiya Sector 4
01-02-2014 Prayer Unit of Friends of Mary, Abbassiya Sector 4 was inaugurated
on 31st January 2014 at Mrs. Valsa Benjamin's residence. KMRM President Mr.
Babuji Bathery presided over the function and was inaugurated by Reverend Dr.
John Padipurackal, Spiritual Director, KMRM. Abbasiya Sector 4 FOM Area
Coordinator Mrs. Valsa Benjamin welcomed all to the function. Mr. O.M. Mathew,
Advisory Board Member, Mr. Liju Parakkel, Secretary, Mrs. Bency Jacob, Convener,
FOM, Mrs. Micky Gijo, Jt. Convener FOM, Area Committee Members and Prayer
Coordinators were present. Mrs. Priya Sathish, Area Coordinator, FOM Sector 4
proposed the vote of thanks.

“To you is born this day in the city of David a
Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord” (Luke 2:11)
rn this day in the city of David a
Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord” (Luke 2:11)
The 20th Family Gathering of KMRM, and Christmas -New Year
celebrations NAZARETH NITE -2014 held at the Indian Central School Auditorium,
Abbassiya, Kuwait on Friday 17th January 2014 bear a resemblance to the great
day of Jesus birth in the town of David – Bethlehem. More than 800 family
members gathered and shared their happiness.
The family get together started with a public meeting presided
over by Mr. Babuji Bathery, President, KMRM. The gathering was welcomed by Mr.
Liju Parackel, Secretary, KMRM and was inaugurated by Rev. Dr. John
Padipurackal, Spiritual Director, KMRM. Mr. KO John, Advisory Board Chairman and
Mr. Jacob Thomas, Synodal Commission Member felicitated the function and Mr.
Shaji Varghese, Treasurer proposed the vote of thanks.
Spiritual Director, President, Secretary, Advisory Board Chairman,
Synodal Commission Member, Mr. Jacob Philip, Gen. Convenor, Nazareth Nite, Mr.
Thomas Mamootil, Headmaster, Mrs. Bency Jacob, Convener, Friends of Mary, Mr.
Stanley Thomas, Yuvajyothi Convener and Kumari Jini Saji, Convener, Baladeepam,
lighted the traditional lamp during the inaugural ceremony.
SNEHA SANTHWANA – Accident and medical care program, a project for the welfare of KMRM members; Mr. Binu Varghese, Joint Secretary, KMRM, handed over the Sneha Santhwana Brochure to Mr. Jacob Thomas for releasing and handed over to Mr. George Luey Powath, Joint Treasurer, KMRM.
VISION 2020 - Mr. Shaji George, Committee member handed over the six years the action plan of KMRM to Mr. K.O. John for releasing and handed over to Mr. Kuruvilla Thomas.
FARE WELL – KMRM offered farewell to Mr. K.V. Paul who is returning back to India and thanked him for his services to KMRM from the day of its inception. Mr. Joseph Kuriakose, Vice President, KMRM, handed over a memento to Rev. Dr. John Padipurackal to be presented to Mr. Paul.
CULTURAL PROGRAMS – Cultural programs started with the carol song sung by KMRM Yuvajyothi who were the ‘Runner-Up’ of ‘Youth Chorus Group Song Competition-2013. KMRM- Yuvajyothi honored Mr. Musthafa Ambady (Music Director), Mr. Babuji Batheri (Lyrist) and Master Ben Joseph Benjamin (Keyboardist) of the song during this occasion.
The highlights of the get together were the various cultural programs organized by the seven prayer groups of KMRM, such as Christmas Corner/Nadan Carol Competition, Tableau, and Group Carol Songs.
Christmas Corner: accompanied with nadan carol song was a total different experience at this time. Mar Ivanios - Salmiya won the first prize; St. Thomas – Abbasiya, Sec:4; and Shalom – Abbasiya, Sec:3 won the 2nd and 3rd prizes respectively.
Carol Songs: by seven prayer groups were a memorable experience. Mar Ivanios - Salmiya prayer group received the first prize. St. Johns – Abbasia, Sec:1 received the second prize; and Mary Matha, Fahaheel received the third prize.
Tableau: Major attraction of this year’s family get-together was the Tableau competition. Six prayer groups competed to make the Tableau competition a remarkable and memorable one. Shalom – Abbasiya; Sec:3, St. Mary's – Abbasiya, Sec:2; Mary Matha, Fahaheel won the first, second and third prizes respectively.
Special Congratulations to Mar Ivanios Prayer Group - Salmiya who secured OVER-ALL CHAMPIONSHIP and Shalom Prayer Group - Abbasiya, Sec:3, for winning the Trophy for total participation.
Santa Show - organized by BALADEEPAM received complete audience applause. Stage was spread out with more than 250 children attended, all receives Christmas gift arranged by KMRM Committee. Advocate Shibu Jacob (Baladeepam Animator), MCLS teachers, Kumari Jini Saji (Baladeepam Convenor) & Baladeepam members conducted the admirable Santa Show.
All family members actively participated in all the events. Kumari Jini Saji & Master Bibin, Sam Thomas compared the public meeting; Mr. Lince John & Mr. Tinkoo Joy compared the competitions and Mr. Binu K. John effectively compared the Santa Show. Mr. Jacob Philip, General Convener of ‘Nazareth Night’ delivered the Vote of thanks to all gathered.
Thanks to all our family members for the grand success of KMRM Family get-together NAZARETH NIGHT 2014.

KMRM-Yuvajyothi Participated in Puthuvalsara Thanima
2014 07-01-2014
Yuvajyothi participated in the Nadan Carol Song Competition,
conducted by Thanima on 04th January 2014 at United Indian School,Abbassiya.
Shamon Chirathalackal was the Convener and Sunu Varghese was the Joint Convener.
The infrastructure preparation was led by Jiju Varghese & Jobin Thomas assisted
by various yuvajyothi members. Yuvajyothi members and KMRM members from
different sectors and areas actively participated in the program.

Circular on
Catholicos Day 2014 06-01-2014
KMRM offered vote-of-thanks to Rev. Dr. Antony Chethipuzha , Vicar
General of Archdiocese of Thiruvalla
KMRM offered vote-of-thanks to the visiting priest Reverend Dr.
Antony Chethipuzha, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Tiruvalla on 2nd January, 2014
at Virgin Mary Hall, Kuwait City Cathedral, after the Holy Mass. Rev. Dr. Antony
came to Kuwait on 16th December 2013, as requested by Kuwait Vicariate for
various services including Christmas, New Year and Denho. He also led many
programs organized by various Parishes and Catholic communities in Kuwait.
behalf of KMRM, President Mr. Babuji Bathery rendered felicitation and Treasurer
Mr. Shaji Varghese handed over a token of appreciation.
Reverend Dr. Antony
Chethipuzha expressed his sincere gratitude to KMRM Members for their love and
care during his visit and extended his prayers for all the activities of the
Malankara community in Kuwait

New Children Choir Group at Salmiya Church
A children choir group has been formed by Mar Ivanios prayer group,
Salmiya to assist Malankara Holy Mass for St. Therese Catholic Church in
Salmiya. They assisted Rev. Fr. Antony Chethipuzha, Vicar General of Archdiocese
of Thiruvalla on 30th December, 2013.

Training for lay preachers
A training was conducted on 27th December, 2013, for lay preachers,
by Fr. Antony Chethipuzha , Vicar General of Archdiocese of Thiruvalla..He
briefed on what is Gospel preaching in the Catholic Church. Fr.John Padipurackal
and other KMRM officials were present.

Baladeepam - Christmas Celebrations
KMRM – Baladeepam children celebrated Christmas & New Year on 27th
December 2013. The event includes Christmas programs organized by Malankara
Juniors with a public meeting which is ended up with carol songs caroled by
Baladeepam members. Debut attempt to give Christmas cards to all members
received appreciation from teachers and parents as well.
The public meeting presided by Baladeepam Convener Kum. Gini Saji
was welcomed by Master Jesvin Biju – Baladeepam Joint Convener. Rev. Fr. Antony
Chethipuzha delivered the Chirstmas message to children. Rev. Fr. John
Padipurackal – Spiritual Advisor KMRM, Mr. Joseph Kuriakose – Vice President
KMRM, Mr. KO John – Advisory Board Chairman KMRM, Mr. Thomas Mamoottil – MLS
Headmaster felicitated the function.
Children along with their teachers celebrated the ordination day
of Fr. John Padipurackal (27th December) & Fr. Antony Chethipuzha (30th
December) by cutting the Christmas cake with reverend Fathers. Advocate Shibu
Jacob – Baladeepam Animator rendered vote of thanks to all gathered.

Inauguration : Friends of Mary (FOM), Prayer Unit –
St.John’s, Abbasiya Sector 1.
Friends of Mary Prayer unit at Abbassiya Sector,1 was inaugurated
on 27th December 2013 at the residence of Mrs.Minu Saji. KMRM Vice-President Mr.
Joseph.K.Daniel presided over the function. FOM - Abbasiya area coordinator Mrs.
Minu Saji rendered welcome speech. Occasion was graced with prayers and
blessings from Rev. Fr. Antony Chethipuzha , Vicar General - Archdiocese
Thiruvalla and KMRM Spiritual Director Rev. Fr. John Padipurackal. Advisory
Board Chairman Mr. K. O. John, Secretary Mr. Liju Abraham, Treasurer Mr. Shaji
Varghese, Advisory Board Member Mr. Abraham Mulamoottil, Prayer Coordinators Mr.
Biju Joshua, Mr. Synoy Varghese, Friends of Mary Convener Mrs. Bency Jacob, Jt.
Convener Micky Gijo were present.

Midnight Mass is celebrated on Christmas Eve
A Midnight Mass, Malankara Catholic Rite was celebrated on Christmas Eve, traditionally at 03:30am at Holy Family Cathedral Kuwait City. Very Reverend Dr. Antony Chethipuzha (Vicar General, Archdiocese of Tiruvalla) led the Holy Mass and celebrations. He was assisted by Rev.Dr. John Padipurackal, Spiritual Director of KMRM. Hundreds of worshipers attended the midnight mass.

Rev. Dr. Antony Chethipuzha (Vicar General, Archdiocese of
Tiruvalla) arrives in Kuwait
A Hearty Welcome! Reverend Dr. Antony Chethipuzha, Vicar General,
Archdiocese of Tiruvalla arrived in Kuwait on 16th December 2013 for various
services including Christmas, New Year and Denho. He is the guest of His
Excellency Camillo Ballin, Apostolic Vicar of Kuwait.
KMRM Spiritual Director, Managing Committee Members, and
representatives from St. Daniel Comboni Parish, Abbasiya received Reverend Dr.
Antony Chethipuzha at the Kuwait International Airport. Dr. Antony Chethipuzha,
who has done doctoral studies in Counseling and Pastoral Ministry in Canada,
will also lead a series of programs organized by various Parishes and Catholic
communities in Kuwait. He will be staying in St. Daniel Comboni Parish,

His Beatitude Moran Mor Baselios Cardinal Cleemis is elected as the new KCBC
President 15-12-2013/span>
His Beatitude Moran Mor Baselios Cardinal Cleemis
Catholicos is elected the President of the Kerala Catholic Bishops Council
Kuwait Malarankara Rite Movement extends prayerful Congratulations to Moran Mor
Baselios Cardinal Cleemis. We pray that God Almighty may shower all the
blessings in his service to lead KCBC to new heights.
NNew KCBC office bearers elected on 12th December 2013 are His
Beatitude Moran Mor Baselios Cardinal Cleemis Catholicos, President, the Major
Archbishop of Syro-Malankara Church, His Grace Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Perumthottam
Archbishop of Changanassery (Syro-Malabar Church) Vice-President and His
Excellency Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Kariyil, Bishop of Cochin (Latin rite) Secretary
KMRM extends its greetings and prayerful wishes to the new office

Inauguration: Friends of Mary (FOM) Prayer Unit -
Salmiya area 15-12-2013
FOM Prayer unit at Salmiya area was inaugurated on 7th December
2013 at Ajimol Santhosh’s residence. KMRM Vice-President Mr. Joseph.K.Daniel
presided over the function. Salmiya FOM area coordinator Mrs. Ajimol Santhosh
rendered welcome speech. Salmiya Advisory Board Member Mr.George Mathew(Bose),
Secretary Mr. Liju Abraham, Salmiya area Committee members and prayer
coordinators, Friends of Mary Convener Mrs. Bency Jacob, Jt. Convener Micky Gijo
were present.

Obituary 15-12-2013
Mrs.Thresiamma Varghese (84), Maramon, Tiruvalla, Mother of Mr. James Varghese (J014), Mar Ivanios Prayer group, Salmiya was called to heaven for her eternal reward on December 14, 2013.
May her soul rest in peace!
Funeral will take place on Monday, 16-12-2013 at Little Flower Malankara Catholic Church, Maramon (Archdiocese of Tiruvalla).
We, the members of KMRM, express our heart-felt condolence on her demise and pray to the Almighty that the bereaved family may find solace in God.
Landline (India) # 0091 469 266 0717
Obituary: Sr.Fabiola SICr.Fabiola SICla SICr.Fabiola SIC 09-12-2013
Rev. Sr. Fabiola SIC, a member of the
Congregation of the Sisters of the Imitation of Christ, Tiruvalla Province, was
called to eternal reward on Tuesday 3 December, 2013. She was 76 years old. She
belongs to the Pallikkunnel family, Punaloor. Her body was brought to the
Provincial House at Thirumoolapuram, at 6 pm on Thursday, 5 November. The
funeral service was at 3 pm on Friday 6 November at Provincial House. His Grace
Most Rev. Thomas Mar Koorilos officiated the funeral service. /span>
She served as Provincial Councillor,
Postulant and Junior Sisters Mistress, Superior in different Convents,
Co-ordinator of Home Nursing Programme at Bodhana, Tiruvalla. She rendered her
service also at Pushpagiri Medical College Hospital, Tiruvalla.
May God reward her Eternal Rest!
Inauguration Carol Service for the Year 2013
The inauguration of the carol service for the Year 2013 was held
at City Cathedral. Secretary Mr. Liju Parakkel gave a welcome note. Rev. Dr. Fr.
John Padipurackal handed over the carol kit to the respective area coordinators
and gave necessary instructions to all. Program was concluded with a prayer and
Yuvajyothi members sang a carol song. Vice President Mr. Joseph. K . Daniel,
Carol programme General Convener Mr. Shaji George and Tresurer Mr. Shaji
Varghese were present .

As part of KMRM Annual Action Plan for the 20th year, a one
day workshop “VISION 2020” held on Friday 29th November 2013 at Kabed Training
Centre. The program aimed at a self evaluation of KMRM and it's growth through
the last 19 years and to set up the goals and objectives for the upcoming seven
years until 2020. the active participation of over 100 participants.
The Program started with a praise and worship session led by
current prayer group leaders of each sector. Secretary, KMRM Mr. Liju Abraham
welcomed the participants to the workshop. Spiritual Director, Reverend Dr. John
Padipurackal gave the introductory message. President, KMRM, MR. Babuji Bathery
presided over the function. Formal Inauguration took place with the lighting of
the lamp by Rev. Dr. John Padipurackal, Mr. Babuji Bathery, Mr. Biju A.O and
KMRM former presidents Mr. Alexander Thangalathil, Mr. K. O. John, Mr. Jacob
Thomas, Mr. Kuruvilla Thomas, Mr. George Thomas, Mr. Binu K. John and Mr. Rajan
Thottathil. Mr. Alexander Thangalathil offered felicitation to the worskshop.
Participants were divided into 10 groups and active Group
discussions / presentations were made on the subjects KMRM’s strength and
weakness, future opportunities and threats. Mr. Kuruvilla Thomas was the
moderator of the discussions. Reverend Dr. John Padipurackal, Mr. K.O. John, Mr.
Jacob Thomas & Mr. Babuji Bathery served as observers to the sessions.
The workshop concluded with proposing Vision 2020 as:
To form KMRM as an ecclesial movement which offers its efforts totally to bring
together all the Syro-Malankara Catholic faithful residing in Kuwait, and
initiates activities for their integral - spiritual, social, cultural and
educational - development and self-sustainability, basing on the fundamental
principles of the Universal Catholic Church as well as the Syro-Malankara
Catholic Church, by the year 2020.
General Convener Mr. Biju A.O. proposed the vote of thanks
and the program concluded by prayer and blessing by the Spiritual Director. KMRM
Vice-President Mr. Joseph K. Daniel was the master of ceremonies for this
memorable workshop.

Obituary 01-12-2013
Mr.George Cherian (68)
(Former KMRM Member) Chengaroor, Thiruvalla, Brother-in-law of Mr.
Alexander Thangalathil (A016) St.Paul’s, Prayergroup, Riggae, called
to heaven for his eternal reward on December 1,2013.
May his soul rest in peace!
Funeral will take place later. We, the members of
KMRM, express our heart-felt condolence on his demise and pray to the Almighty
that the bereaved family may find solace in God.
Mobile # 97177312(Mr.Alexander Thangalathil)
KMRM appreciated Yuvajyothi-Youth Chorus
competition Runner- Up 01-12-2013
KMRM appreciated Yuvajyothi members for the ‘2nd
prize of Youth Chorus Competition 2013’, after the Holy Mass on 28th November
2013. Yuvajyothi Convenor Stanly Thomas expressed thanks to spiritual director
Rev.Dr.John Padipurckal, Fr. Joseph Malayattil and managing committee members,
who gave positive feedbacks and prayed for best performance. He thanked KMRM
President Babuji Batheri as he made the meaningful lyrics and Musthafa Ambady
who gave the beautiful music and coached. He thanked animator Jacob Varghese
(Benoy) for the outstanding support and his wife Mary Litty who designed the
colorful handouts. Thanks to the convenors of the program Shamon Jacob, Lince
John & Jino and Master Ben Joseph Benjamin, who play the keyboard. KMRM
Treasurer Shaji Varghese congratulated the participants Jobin Thomas, Tinkoo
Joy, Jomon Cherian, Jino Abraham, Lince John, Roy, Bibin, Ben, Anila Shamon,
Tiji Mathew, Lija Manoj, Linta Binu, Micky Gijo, Reeja Rana & Deepa Anu. The
participants were each presented with a medal as token of appreciation.

Yuvajyothi’s Sweet of Santa –
Inaugurated 29-11-2013
Sweet of Santa - Christmas cake sale inaugurated by
Rev. Dr. John Padipurackal after the Holy Mass on 28th November 2013. Fr. John
received the cake from Yuvajyothi Joint Convener Mr.Jobin Thomas and blessed and
handed it over to the area Marketing Managers Mr. Benoy Abraham (Abbasiya), Mr.
Gibi Abraham (Salmiya) & Mr. Shiphin Philip (Fahaheel). First sale was done by
Yuvajyothi Animator Mr. Jacob Varghese. KMRM President Mr. Babuji Batheri,
Secretary Mr. Liju Parackal and Yuvajyothi Convenor Stanly Thomas were present.

Yuvajyothi Calendar 2014 : Released 29-11-2013
Yuvajothi Calendar for the Year 2014 has been
released after the Holy Mass on 28th November 2013. Rev. Dr. John Padipurackal
released the Calendar by giving a copy to the Calendar Circulation Manager Mr.
Tinkoo Joy. First sale was done by Vice President Mr. Joseph. K. Daniel. Special
thanks to Mr. Jobin Babu, designer of Calendar. KMRM President Mr. Babuji
Batheri, Secretary Mr. Liju Parackal and Yuvajyothi Convenor Stanly Thomas were

Altar Server's Day
The Alter Server’s day has celebrated on 28-Nov-13,
during the 7:30pm Holy Mass at Virgin Mary Hall (Cathedral), Kuwait, on the
occasion of the Feast of St. John Berchmans, heavenly patron of Altar Servers.
This day was especially dedicated to the children who serve as altar servers, to
thank and pray for them.
Special thanks to Sammon A.O., James C. B, Thomas
Mamootil, Georgekutty Lawrence and other senior altar servers, who
arranged/prepared children’s for this day. This Altar Server’s day was organized
by KMRM as part of the 20th year programs.

2013-14: Malankara Liturgical School (MLS) -
Inauguration 27-11-2013
The inauguration of MLS classes for the new academic
year 2013-14 held at Success Line Auditorium, Abbasiya on 22nd November 2013.
Rev. Fr. Joseph Malayatil inaugurated the function. KMRM President Mr. Babuji
Bathery presided over the function. He briefed on KMRM Managing Committee’s
plans for MLS activities of the year. KMRM Secretary Mr. Liju Abraham rendered
welcome speech. Head Master Mr. Thomas Mamootil, MLS coordinator Mr. Rose
Kattukallil were present. Asst. Head Mistress Mrs. Catherine Binu delivered vote
of thanks.

Baladeepam: Baladeepam
election conducted after the MLS inaugural ceremony elected Kumari Jini Saji and
Master Jesvin Biju as their Convener and Joint Convener respectively, for the
year 2013-2014. Baladeepam Animator Adv. Shibu Jacob rendered the introductory
speech and conducted the election. KMRM Managing Committee congratulated the new
team and wish them all the success in all their activities. Newly elected
Convener Kumari Jini Saji rendered vote of thanks.

Inauguration: Friends of Mary (FOM) Prayer Unit in
Fahaheel area 27-11-2013
FOM Prayer unit in Fahaheel area inaugurated on 23rd
November 2013 at Mangaf. KMRM President Mr. Babuji Bathery presided over the
function. FOM Fahaheel area coordinator Mrs. Raji Thomas rendered welcome
speech. KMRM Advisory Board Chairman Mr. K.O.John, Secretary Mr. Liju Abraham,
KMRM Treasurer Mr. Shaji Varghese, Friends of Mary Convenor Mrs. Bency Jacob,
Jt. Convenor Micky Gijo were present. FOM Fahaheel area coordinator Mrs. Sharu
Shibu delivered vote of thanks.

Shri. Kuruvilla Mathew (66)
Father-in-law of Mr. John Thomas (Father of Mrs. Viji
St.John’s prayer group, Abbasiya passed away on
Monday, November 25, 2013 at Thelliyoor, Thiruvalla
Funeral will be on Wednesday, November 27, 2013at St.
Francis Xavier Malankara Catholic Church, Thelliyoor.
Heartfelt Condolences to the bereaved family. May his
soul rest in peace.
20th Year Logo - Release
[ Logo Theme : TO FOSTER &
An exclusive logo for the 20th year of KMRM was
released on 21st Nov 2013. Rev.Dr.John Padipurackal & Rev. Fr. Joseph Malayatil,
released the logo by giving a copy to Mr. Jacob Thomas (Synodal Commission
Member). Mr. Alexander Thangalathil [1st KMRM Vice-President (1994-95) and
President (1995-96)], Mr. Liju Abraham (Secretary), Mr. A.E. Mathew (designer of
Logo) were present.

2013-14: Annual Program Inauguration / Planner Release
KMRM launched its “Annual Planner” for the year
2013-2014 on 21st Nov 2013, after the Holy Mass, at Virgin Mary Hall, Kuwait
City Cathedral. KMRM Action Plan intends to provide the details of the annual
program in order to plan and prepare well in advance.
Rev. Dr. John Padipurackal & Rev. Fr. Joseph
Malayatil, released the Planner by giving a copy to Mr. Babuji Bathery (KMRM
President). KMRM Advisory Board Chairman Mr. K.O. John, and Secretary Mr. Liju
Abraham were present.
Download Planner
Vote-of-Thanks - Fr.
Joseph Malayatil
KMRM offered vote-of-thanks to the visiting priest
Rev.Fr. Joseph Malayatil on 21st Nov 2013, at Virgin Mary Hall, Kuwait City
Cathedral. Fr.Joseph came to Kuwait as requested by Kuwait Vicariate to assist
Fr. Mathew Naickomparambil & team for the Divine Fest organized by Malayalam
Community of Our Lady of Arabia Parish, Ahmadi.
Rev.Dr.John Padipurackal and KMRM President Mr.
Babuji Bathery rendered felicitation. On behalf of KMRM, Treasurer Mr. Shaji
Varghese handed over a token of appreciation to Fr.Joseph and Mr. Rajan
Thotathil handed over a small gift to Fr. Joseph, on behalf of Mary Matha Prayer
Fr.Joseph expressed his sincere gratitude to KMRM
Members for their love and care during his visit and extended his prayers for
all the activities of the community.

Hearty Congratulations – KMRM YuvaJyothi
Hearty Congratulations to KMRM YuvaJyothi, who won
the 2nd prize in the
Youth Chorus Group Singing Competition,
held on 22nd November 2013. Lyrics of the song were by KMRM President Sri.
Babuji Bathery and Music composed by Sri. Mustafa Ambadi. Thanks to Babuji,
Ambadi Mash, Yuvajyothi animator Sri Jacob Varghese (Benoy), Yuvajyothi Convenor
Stanly Thomas and all Yuvajyothi members.

Birthday Celebration – Rev.Dr. John
Padipurackal 25-11-2013
KMRM celebrated Rev.Dr. John Padipurackal (KMRM
spiritual director) during Managing Committee meeting on November 15th, 2013 at
KMRM office. KMRM President Mr. Babuji Bathery and the senior member Mr.
Kuruvilla Thomas rendered birthday wishes on behalf of Managing Committee.
Fr.John expressed his sincere gratitude to KMRM Managing Committee and all the
KMRM members.

Congratulations - Rev. Dr. Mathew Jacob Thiruvalil OIC
KMRM Congratulate Rev. Dr. Mathew Jacob Thiruvalil OIC for his
award received from The Pontifical Salesian
University, Rome. Fr. Jacob received a gold medal on the occasion of the
inauguration of the Annual Academic year 2013-14. The program was held on 15th
October 2013, after the inaugural Holy Mass celebrated at the University campus.
Every year, the medal is given to the selected students, from each department,
for their excellence in studies.
Mathew Thiruvalil was selected from the department of the Science of Education,
in which he did his research in the area of 'Youth Ministry and
Catechetices'. For the selection of the award, the university counted the total
marks he got (30/30, Summa Cum Laude), along with the scientific nature of the
work, the importance of addressing the challenges of youth and families in the
contemporary society, the practical observations and suggestions contributed for
changing the present society, etc.
The title
of research was,
of Familiaris Consortio and Later Ecclesial Documents with Particular
Reference to Catholic Youth in Kerala)
Managing Committee 2013-14
KMRM conducted the Annual General Body Meeting on 31st October, 2013 at Virgin
Mary Hall, Kuwait City Cathedral and elected new Managing Committee members,
Advisory Board Members & Auditor for the year 2013-2014.

Oath-taking ceremony
The oath-taking ceremony of Managing Committee members, Advisory Board Members,
& Auditor for the year 2013-2014, been held at Virgin Mary Hall, Kuwait City
Cathedral, after the Holy Mass on 7th November, 2013.

Farewell to Mr. Varghese P. Abraham (Saji)
A farewell meeting had been conducted after the Holy Mass on 7th November, 2013
and offered KMRM’s gratitude to Mr. VARGHESE P. ABRAHAM (SAJI) [V014] towards
his admirable & unwavering dedication to Malankara community in Kuwait for the
last 20 years. During the occasion a Memento presented to Mr. Varghese by Rev
Dr. John Padipurackal as a token of appreciation. KMRM President Mr. Babuji
Bathery rendered felicitation. Rev. Fr. Joseph Malayattil was present. KMRM
extends all the best wishes for all his future endeavors.
Star of Bethlehem
An event initiated by Friends of Mary to spread the good news of Christmas
through dazzling Christmas star Inauguration took place after Holy Mass on 7th
November, at City Cathedral. Convener Mrs. Bency Jacob, handed over the first
star to Rev. Dr. John Padipurackal & Rev. Fr. Joseph Malayattil, who inaugurated
and handed over to President Mr. Babuji Bathery for the first sale.
KMRM Joint Committee Meeting

KMRM Condolence
Sr Jyothis SIC, a member of the Sisters of the Imitation of Christ,
Pathanamthitta Province, is called to eternal reward on Thursday 7 November
2013. She was 64 years old. She belonged to Palavilayil family, Kudassanad,
Pandalam. The funeral service was held on Friday, 08 November 2013 at the
Provincial House, chapel. His Grace Most Rev. Yoohanon Mar Chrysostom
officiated the service. She is buried in the St. Peter’s Cathedral Cemetery,
Sr. Jyothis served as the Provincial Procurator of Pathanamthitta Province of
the SIC for nine years. She was Headmistress of BBHS, Nangiarkulangara and a
teacher in St. Goretti’s HSS, Nalanchira, St. Mary’s HSS, Kayamkulam and St.
Ann’s HSS, Chengannoor.
May her soul rest in peace!
KMRM Condolence

Rev. Fr. Jacob John (85), priest of Trivandrum Major Arch Diocese, is called to
eternal reward. KMRM Condolence.
May his soul rest in peace!