New Page 1
Commemoration of Archbishop Benedict Mar Gregorios and
Mar Gregorios Puraskar distribution
KMRM has celebrated the commemoration of Archbishop Benedict Mar
Gregorios on Thursday (13/10/2011) during the Holy Mass and honored the
member’s kids those who have selected for the Mar Gregorios Puraskar by securing
the highest marks in 10th & 12th standards during the 2010 academic year: [ALBUM]
Toppers of 10th & 12th Standards
Class |
Names |
Subject |
Prayer Group |
Liz Maria Kuriakose |
Mar Ivanios, Salmiya |
Xll |
Sherin Rachel Christo |
Science |
Mar Ivanios, Salmiya |
Xll |
Divya Ann Maret |
Commerce |
Mar Ivanios, Salmiya |
The prizes were been distributed to the award winners on the “Mar Gregorios Day”
after the Holy Mass on Thursday (13/10/2011) at Holy Family City Cathedral by
Rev. Fr. Dr. John Padipurackal & Rev. Fr. Varkey Chundevalel.
SNEHA SANTHWANA 2011 - Prize Distribution
The prizes for the winners of SNEHA SANTHWANA - 2011 were been distributed on
14/10/2011 at Success Lines Auditorium, Abbassiya by Rev. Fr. Dr. John
Padipurackal (Spiritual Director), Mr. Binu K. John (KMRM – President), Mr. K.
O. John (Sneha Santhwana – Gen. Convener). [Album]
KMRM Managing Committee members, Advisory Board members, and KMRM members were
available in the prize distribution ceremony.
Visiting Priest
Rev. Fr. Varkey Chundevalel has arrived (personal visit) to Kuwait, and
celebrated Holy Mass on Thursday 13/10/2011 along with our Spiritual Director
Rev. Fr. Dr. John Padipurackal.

KMRM Honored their Members
KMRM honored the member’s for the year 2010 - 2011 the KMRM kids who have
received their First Holy communion, newly wedded KMRM couples and the KMRM
members who are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary.
The prizes were been distributed to the concerned members after the Holy Mass on
Thursday (13/10/2011) at Holy City Cathedral by Rev. Fr. Dr. John Padipurackal &
Rev. Fr. Varkey Chundevalel.

KMRM Farewell Meetings
1. Farewell meeting was conducted to express our gratitude and love to Mr.
Thomas Varghese [T020] and Mr. Koshy M John
[K013] on the 81st Reunion, KMRM
17th anniversary, and ONAM celebration day which was celebrated on 09/09/2011 at
Carmel School Khaitan.

Mementos were presented to Mr. Thomas Varghese and Mr. Koshy M. John by His
Beatitude Moran Mor Baselios Cleemis Catholicos as a token of appreciation for
their sincere & dedicated service to Kuwait Malankara Rite Movement (MCA �
Kuwait) for the past 17 and 15 years respectively.
2. Another farewell meeting was conducted to express our gratitude and love to
Mr. Cherian Iype Vengal [C004] on 15/09/11 after the Holy Mass on 15/09/2011.

Memento was presented to Mr. Cherian Iype Vengal by H.L. Bishop Camillo Ballin
as a token of appreciation for the sincere & dedicated service to Kuwait
Malankara Rite Movement (MCA � Kuwait) for the past 17 years.
"Mar Baselios Vidya Sree Puraskar"
18.09.2011,updtd 22.09.2011

Moron mor Baselios Vidyasree puraskar Distribution function conducted on
20.09.2011 Tuesday by 2.00 p.m. Moron Mor Basselios cleemis Catholicos
distributed the memento and Most Rev Dr. Joshva Mar Ignathios MCA chairman
distributed the cash awards. Meeting was presided by Ad. Thomas M. Mathunny
President MCA Central Comitte. General Secretary MCA Thomas Nachery welcomed the
gathering of MCA Halfyear assembly. M.K. Geevarghese, Project cordinater Briefed
Regarding the Moron Mor Basselios Vidyasree puraskar and extended thanks to KMRM.
KMRM Spiritual advisor Rev.Fr. John Padipurackal , KMRM delegate Babuji Bathery
given felicitation on the occasion. [ALBUM]
SNEHA SANTHWANA 2011 - Prize Distribution
The prizes for the winners of SNEHA SANTHWANA - 2011 were been distributed on
14/10/2011 at Success Lines Auditorium, Abbassiya by Rev. Fr. Dr. John
Padipurackal (Spiritual Director), Mr. Binu K. John (KMRM – President), Mr. K.
O. John (Sneha Santhwana – Gen. Convener).
KMRM Managing Committee members, Advisory Board members, and KMRM members were
available in the prize distribution ceremony.
Santhwana Raffle Winners

Coupon No. |
Name |
Tel. No. |
10 |
12489 |
Kaithano |
66531103 |
9 |
17836 |
John Samuel |
97673730 |
8 |
14047 |
Hanna Joby |
99825669 |
7 |
10499 |
K.G. Mathew |
94418975 |
6 |
16103 |
Sunny |
99452416 |
5 |
18002 |
Abraham V.M |
66079373 |
4 |
15528 |
Pradeep John |
66456853 |
3 |
17051 |
Evan David Mathew |
97312715 |
2 |
14692 |
Lovely Biju |
24335901 |
1 |
11230 |
Naveen C.C |
60703411 |
KMRM celebration of nativity of Mother Mary
His Beatitude Moran Mor Baselios Cleemis Catholicos, Major Archbishop of the
Malankara Catholic Church, receives a solemn Liturgical Reception at Holy Family
Cathedral, Kuwait City on 08th September 2011.

A solemn Liturgical reception was given to His Beatitude Moran Mor Baselios
Cleemis Catholicos, the Major Archbishop of the Malankara Catholic Church, on
8th September 2011 at the Holy Family Cathedral, Kuwait City.
The liturgical procession was decorated and brightened with 17 Children with
‘Flower bunch’, 17 Friends of Mary Members with lighted candles and 17
Yuvajyothi members with Papal Flag and KMRM members with muthukkuda (decorated
traditional umbrellas) in order to celebrate the occasion of the 17th
Anniversary of the Kuwait Malankara Rite Movement –KMRM, which has served the
Malankarites in Kuwait to come together.
Rev. Fr. Gaspar, Parish Priest, Holy Family Cathedral, Kuwait City and Rev. Fr.
Dr. John Padipurackal officially received His Beatitude Moran Mor Baselios
Cleemis Catholicos and Our Bishop His Excellency Rt. Reverend Camillo Ballin to
the Holy Family Cathedral giving them candles and dhoopakalasam (Incense).
The reception was followed by Solemn Holy Qurbono by His Beatitude Moran Mor
Baselios Cleemis Catholicos to mark the concluding of the Ettu Nombu and the
Feast of the Nativity of Mary, Mother of God. The celebration was concluded by
serving “Nercha Payasam”. Over 1500 devotees attended the Holy Qurbana.
After the Holy Qurbana His Beatitude Moran Mor Baselios Cleemis Catholicos had
handed over a “Nettipattam” (a Kerala traditional gift which is used to decorate
elephant's head during processions) as a token of love and appreciation to Our
Bishop His Excellency Rt. Reverend Camillo Ballin.
KMRM reunion, anniversary, and ONAM celebrations

2/3] [ALBUM 3/3]
Holy MASS at St. Daniel Comboni on 6th Sept.

Holy Mass was held at St. Daniel Camboni Parish Hall, at Abbassiya on 6th Sep.
2011 by His Beatitude Moran Mor Baselios Cleemis as main Celebrant along with
Rev. Dr. John Padipurackal, the Spiritual Director of KMRM. His Excellency
Camillo Ballin, the Bishop of Vicariate of Northern Arabia was present
throughout the Function . A large number of members attended the Holy Mass.
Prizes were distributed to children those who won First, Second and Third
positions in the Catechism exam held in May 2011. Adv. Shibu Jacob rendered vote of thanks. [Album]
KMRM Condolence 30.09.2011
Thomas (66) mother of Mr. Jogimon Thomas (j022), St. Johns Prayer Group,
Abbasiya, passed away on 29/09/2011.
Funeral will be on Saturday, 01.10.2011, at Little Flower Church, Othara,
Heartfelt Condolences from KMRM to the bereaved family. May her soul rest in

KMRM Condolence
C.A Mathai (58) father of Mr. Joji Mathai (New member), Mary Matha Prayer Group,
Fahaheel, passed away on 23/09/2011. Funeral will be later. He belongs to St.
Paul's Catholic Church, Kumbanadu.
Heartfelt Condolences from KMRM to the bereaved family. May his soul rest in
"Mar Baselios Vidya Sree Puraskar"
18.09.2011,updtd 22.09.2011
"Mar Baselios Vidya Sree Puraskar" and the Half yearly MCA Central Assembly on
20th September 2011, at Nalanchira, Trivandrum. [Click the image to view a
bigger image.]

SMCC Assembly

Letter of Convocation
[Cached above from Site]

From Deepika Newspaper 20.09.2011
KMRM Condolence
Abraham Abraham(92) father of Mr. Jacob Abraham (Aby Mannil) [J001], St. Paul's
Prayer Group, Reggai, passed away on 16/09/2011. Funeral will be on 20/09/2011
at Sacret Heart Church, Poozhikunnu, Ranni.
Heartfelt Condolences from KMRM to the bereaved family. May his soul rest in
KMRM Condolence

[Adopted from Deepika [19.09.2011] News Paper.]
KMRM Condolence
Samuel (87) mother of Mr. Babuji Batheri [b048], St. Mary's Prayer Group, Abbassiya, passed away on 14/09/2011. Funeral will be on 16/09/2011 at St.
Mary's Catholic Church, Badery, Sultan Batheri, Vayanadu Dist.
Condolences from KMRM to the bereaved family.
May her soul rest in peace.
A word of Thanks
`piye„7 kuQuNEL, yuvtIyuva6ÅaEr, matapita6EL‰
eexvmatavie[R jnn8iru9aLie[RyuM tiruEvaz8ie[RyuM `pa{ˆnawMsk] ori6} kUfi 5veryuM
ssEÆaWM 1Riyi6ukyaz\.
kueev•iel ml…r
kU7ay\m eexvmatavie[R jnn8iru9a], *!_aM puneerkYva{WikM, !&_aM ek.4M.A{.4M va{WikM, tiruEvazM 2v
5•M 1nu`gh`pxmayuM smucitmayuM AEGaWic/u 49\ 1tiyay sEÆaWE8aef `ps\tavi6e7‰
priwu¤ EmaRa[ Ema{
bEsliEyas\ kaEtali6abavayuef sa9i¤YM ¨ AEGaWNeL 1tIvM XnYma6iey9tu vYk\tmazEl|a. vºYpitav\
vYk\tiprmayi te[R sEÆaWvuM sMt~p\tiyuM 1Riyi6ukyuHayi. 1tu kU7ay\m6u- 1MgIkarvuM 1nu`ghvumayi
nmu6u sVIkri6aM. bavatiruEmniEyafu- AxrvuM
pu`tI_pu`tshjmay s\EnhvuM h~xy8i} sU=ic/\ tuf{9uM nmu6\ `pv{8nnirtrakaM.
kueev•iel 1„s\Etali6\ nuZEWYa vºY
Ep8a{ Rayic/u pitavie[yuM, n0uef em`ta[ kmiEl|a bl|I[ pitavie[RyuM sa9i¤vuM
1nu`ghawMskLuM ml…r kU7ay\m6\ vLerEyeR h~xYmay 1nuBvmayi8IrukyuHayi. vºY
pita6ÅaErafu- s\Enhaxrvuk] ssEÆaWM ErKe„fu8ukyaz\.
pitavie[R sº{wnM 1nu`gh`pxma6a[
shayic/ kueev•\ vikari jnRa] matYu kuE9„uryifM, v8i6a[ edpYU7i esk\7Ri
EmaZsiEQa{ yUns\ Epa], k8I`d} vikari Pa.gas\p{
o.4P\.4M, 1b/asiya pariWiel Pa. A}b{7\, Pa. A[`dUs\ o.4P\.4M, k8I`d} pariWiel k0i•i 1MgN] 49ivErafu-
h~xypU{vmay k~tqj\qt ErKe„fu8ukyaz\.
priwu¤ bava tiruEmniey sº{wi6ukyuM
Axri6ukyuM ecy\t, 4s\, 49I kE8ali6a
kU7ay\mkELafuM, ml…r sByuef 1Bimanmay ma{ ¨vaniEyas\ EkaELjie[R pU{vvixYa{ˆi
sMGfnyay 1miE6asi Enafumu- <AMICOS, Kuwait) k~tj\qt 1Riyi6uva[ 5eR
priwu¤ bava
tiruEmniey sº{wic/\ Axrvu `pkfi„ic/ `wI. 4. rEmw\
(Country Head, Gulf Mart Group of Super Market) `wI. 1jy\ kuma{
(General Manager, Zenith International), `wI. 2. di. eef•\s\ (General
Manager, Baharain Exchange) `wI.
Ejas\ Etams\ (Commercial
Manager, Baharain Exchange), `wI. rGunaT[
nay{ < General Manager, Al Aswar Technology Group> `wI. EjaZ A{f\s\, klaBv[,
viviX maXYmNLuef `ptiniXik] _Malayala Manorama, Asia Net, Kairali,
Jeevan TV, Amrtha, Jai Hind, Madhyamam Daily, Indians in Kuwait – 2vErafu- h~xypU{vmay nºi
n0uef AEGaW8inu Evxi t9 ka{e0}
skU], eKy\8a[, 1XikarikELafu- nºi ErKe„fu8uva[ sEÆaWmuH\.
47u Ena©acrzvuM priwu¤ eexvmatavie[R
jnn8iru9a], *!aM puneerkYva{WikM, !&_aM ek.4M.A{.4M va{WikM, tiruEvazM
2vyuef AEGaWvuM vijy`pxma6i8I{8tin\ n0uef kU7ay\myiel 4l|a viwVasikLuefyuM
shkrz8inuM BagBagitV8inumu- h~xyM niRQ sEÆaWvuM k~tj\qtyuM qa[
ml…r kU7ay\m6u EvHi ¨ xinN]
1nu`gh`pxma6iytin\ naM kfe„7iri6u9t\ nmu6u EvHi viviX wu`wUWkLuM pripafikLuM
sMGfi„i6ukyuM `kmIkri6ukyuM ecy\tvErafaz\: ek.4M.A{.4M 4k\sikYU7Iv\ 1MgN], maEnjiN\
k0i•i 1MgN], 1eedVsRi Eba{d\ 1MgN], ek.4M.A{.4M AEGaW60i•i 1MgN], `pa{ˆna`gU„\
Eka_oa{diEnE•S\s\, `PH\s\ oaP\ Emri 1MgN], yuvEjYati 1MgN], li•{ji k|as\ 1MgN],
balxIpM 1MgN]. k~tj\qtyuef AyirM nRumlruk] 2v{6u
4l|av{6uM ori6}
kUfi nºi, `pa{ˆnawMsk]‰
puneerkY8ie[R 10yay
priwu¤ knYkamRiy8ie[R ma¤Ys\TM nmu6\ yaci6aM.
o9u Ec{9\ puneerkY8ie[R sEºwM 5v{6uM pk{9u
priwu¤ prm `titV8ie[R sm~¤may 1nu`ghM vYk\tik]6uM kufuMbN]6uM
kU7ay\m6uM lBYmake7‰
Eda. EjaZ
<< If any difficulty in reading the above article in Malayalam, click the
following link>>
The full script of the above article.[pdf]
BAVA Addressing Kerala Catholic
Summit 12.09.2011

from Deepika]
Press Conference by BAVA

[Adopted from Malayala Manorama]
to Manorama News]
Baselios Cleemis Catholicos has arrived Kuwait

KMRM has the pleasure to inform that His Beatitude Moran Mor Baselios Cleemis
Catholicos has arrived in Kuwait International Airport at 07:35AM from Kochin.
He was warmly received at the airport by KMRM.
His Excellency Camillo Ballin, the Bishop of Vicariate of Northern Arabia, Rev.
Fr. Dr. John Padipurackal, the Spiritual Director of KMRM, the KMRM Office
bearers, and the representatives of various Catholic Associations in Kuwait had
offered the flower boquet to His Beatitude.
After the photo session His Beatitude along with HE Camillo Ballin, Rev. Fr.
John Padipurackal was taken to the Kuwait Bishops house in Kuwait City.

Read The above Article
Feast of Mother Mary
Catholicos Kuwait Visit

Inauguration of Snehasanthwana 2011 Coupon sale
The Snehasanthwana 2011 Coupon sale was inaugurated by Rev.Fr.Mathew
Kunnelpurayidom, the Vicar General of the vicariate of Kuwait on thursday 21st
July after the Holy Mass at the Virgin Mary hall in the Kuwait City
Cathedral.KMRM President Binu K.John, welcomed Rev.Fr Mathew, Snehasanthwana
2011 Gen.Convener K.O John handed the first coupon book to Rev.Fr.Mathew who
inturn gave the same to our spiritual Director Rev.Fr.Dr.John Padipurackal , and
he gave the money of the book to Santhosh P.Antony, the Joint Treasurer of KMRM.

Inauguration - Snehasanthwana 2011
The inauguration of our current year santhwana project " Snehasanthwana 2011"
and the release of raffle coupon was done by our spiritual director Rev.Fr.Dr.
John Padipurackal on 10th June 2011 at Carmel School - Khaithan. K.O John,
Snehasanthwana 2011 convener gave a briefing of the project.

YuvaJyothy Organized Mar Ivanios "Anusmarana Pada Yathra"
21.07.2011 updated 05.08.2011
K.M.R.M celebrated the commemoration feast of Archbishop Mar Ivanios, the
Servant of God on 14th July 2011. On this occasion, K.M.R.M Yuvajyothi, the
Malankara youth of Kuwait led the “Mar Ivanios Anusmarnayathra” from Abbassiya
St. Daniel Comboni Mission Chapel to Holy Family City Cathederal. The pilgrims
in saffron dress carried Vallikurish, Papal Flag and the picture of Mar Ivanios.
H.L Bishop Camillo Ballin - the Apostolic Vicar of Northern Arabia, along with
Rev. Dr. John Padipurackal (Spiritual Director), Mr. Binu. K.John (President),
Mr. K.O. John (Animator) ,Managing Committee Members and members of KMRM gave a
reception to the Pilgrims in the Holy Family Cathedral, Kuwait City.
During the occasion, H.L. Bishop Camillo ballin gave a message to
malankarites, "To be united to be one". The celebrations ended -up with the Holy
Mass, Dhoopa Prarthana and Nercha. It was organized by the Yuvajyothi members,
led by Mr. Libu John as Pilgrimage Convener.
Let us thank the Lord Almighty and our Ivanios Thirumeni for the immense
blessings in making this feast successful.

KMRM Condolence

Read More
Condolence 08.08.2011
Elias (Age 87 Years) father of Mrs. Nirmala Richi & Father in law of Mr. Richi K
George (R023 – Mar Ivanios, Salmiya) passed away on 07/08/2011. Funeral held on
08/08/2011 at St. Mary’s Malakara Catholic Church, Kumbazha. Heartfelt
Condolences from KMRM to the bereaved family. May his soul rest in
Friends of Mary

Altar Service
Dear Parents and Children,
Greetings and blessings of the feast of St. Alphonsa!
A few parents have requested me to train their children for serving in the
Madbaho (Altar). Some students also have expressed their desire to serve in the
Madbaho, especially for the Holy Qurbono.
Those parents and children interested in the matter may join for a few sessions
of training from tomorrow onwards, 29.07.2011. Friday, 9.30 to 12.30 at St.
Daniel Camboni Parish, Abbassiya. Contact me for further information: 94919853
Fr. John Padipurackal
‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these
brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ (Mt 25: 40)
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ,
We the Malankarites in Kuwait through
the channel of KMRM follow the Tradition of the Malankara Rite
through spiritual, social, charitable and cultural activities. We
realize that the fundamental nature of our Christian call is to
serve the poor and downtrodden of the society everywhere. We are
inspired by our faith for a process of self evaluation and commit
ourselves more earnestly to uplift the marginalized in our society
and to strengthen them in every way possible.
One of the main objectives of the KMRM is the charity
program SANTHWANA which provides assistance to people who are
in need, irrespective of caste and creed. We intend to transform
lives of these people through programs such as Emergency Assistance,
Medical Assistance and Social Assistance. So far we have provided
charity assistance of over INR 1.75 Crores. The success of our
entire program is not only the good intention of the charity
programs but also the transparency with which we have implemented
all the previous Charity Projects of SANTHWANA.
is the charity program planning for the year 2011 through which we
intend to give aid to two specific projects. These projects seem to
be to a great extent feasible and attainable within our capacity.
1. Sneha Veedu – “A
Home for the Homeless”
2. Education
Aid for Dalit Nadar Students – “Children
who are excluded from the Govt. aid,
for backward community, because of their Christian Faith”
Fund for the above project shall be raised through
raffle coupons / donations and we would like to have your prayers
and support to make charity program of this year a great success.
From the faith perspective love of God and love of fellow human
beings are two sides of the same coin.
Yours Sincerely,
Rev. Dr. John
Padipurackal |
John |
Binu K.
John |
Joseph K.
Daniel |
Spiritual Director
Convener |
President |
Secretary |
Feast of St. Alphonsa

Official Invitation

Santhwana Distribution-Muvattupzha Diocese
Catechism Results & Attendance

KMRM Picnic on 10-June-2011

[ALBUM 1/2] [ALBUM2/2]updated
Kids Summer Stream – 2011 (Jun: 10-13)
Summer Stream - 2011, a program intended to help our children to grow with
Jesus, was a great success. The proposed theme of the program ?Filled with
Spirit? was timely and effective . Our Director, Rev. Dr. John Padipurackal,
Rev. Fr. Joseph Chavadimuruppel, catechism teachers, parents, KMRM committee
members, Advisory Board Members, Prayer coordinators and volunteers had
contributed their time and talents to make the program Kids Summer Stream an
immemorable experience for our children. Kids Summer Stream ? 2011, provided the
baladeepam children with self-confidence and trained them for teamwork, and
served as an eye opener for all us how to recognize and surpass barriers to
Day 1

Day 3

1/2] [ALBUM 2/2]
Rev. Fr. Joseph Chavadimurippel
oseph Chavadimurippel (Biju Thomas) from the Trivandrum Major Arch Diocese has
arrived in Kuwait today (9th June 2011). He will be leading the Malankara
Vacation Bible School (MVBS) a maiden program for our children and will be
leaving Kuwait on 15th June 2011
Prayer Schedule
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ
May the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all!
The following is the schedule for the prayer groups of the Malankara Faithful in
various places in Kuwait on 24.06.2011. Please do attend! Let us pray together
and experience the presence of the Spirit of the Lord in our midst!
Yours in Our Lord
Fr. John Padipurackal
Prayer Schedule 24.06.2011 Friday
Sector 1 (St. John’s)6 pm |
Varghese 99365260 & 97397044 |
Abbassiya: Sector 2 (St.
Mary’s) 6 pm |
Jacob V Thomas 66651475 |
Abbassiya: Sector 3
(Shalom) 6. 30 pm |
Koshy Varghese 66280775 |
Abbassiya: Sector 4 (St.
Thomas) 6 pm |
Robert Thomas 99251682 |
Fahaheel (Mary Matha) 7
pm |
Mathews Abraham (Joy) 99475463 |
Career Guidance Class
Start Time: |
MONDAY,13th ,June 2011 at |
Location: |
Host: |
Description: |
Fr.Joseph Chavadimurupel
Career Guidance
Career Guidance Application
Malankara Vacation Bible School (Jun: 10-13)
KMRM is proud to
announce its maiden venture of conducting a MVBS (Malankara Vacation Bible
School) along with the Liturgical school and Baladeepam from 10th to 12th June
2011 for our children. Rev Fr Joseph Chavadimurippel (Biju
Thomas) from Trivandrum Major Arch Diocese will be
leading the programme.
Location & Time: |
DAY2: Saturday, JUN-11th
DAY 3: Sunday, JUN-12th
Description: |
Fr.Joseph Chavadimurupel
'Filled with the Spirit' Ephesians 5:18.
The Parents
should contact the below mentioned teachers to submit the registration form. If
transportation required, please inform to the respective teachers.
Sector |
Teacher in Charge |
Mobile |
Abbassiya Sector 1 |
Mr. George Loui Powath |
99235991 |
Abbassiya Sector 2 |
Mr. Thomas Mamoottil |
97168428 |
Abbassiya Sector 3 |
Mr. Shaji Varghese |
97253653 |
Abbassiya Sector 4 |
Mr. Jimmy Abraham |
65169841 |
Salmiya |
Mr. Thomaskutty S. |
90026049 |
Riggae |
Mr. Georgekutty Lawarence |
66022956 |
Fahaheel |
Mr. Shibu Jacob |
99492095 |
MVBS Application Form
Prayerful Wishes from KMRM
Hearty Congratulations & Prayerful Wishes ...
to His Lordship Bishop Camillo Ballin, MCCJ,
First Apostolic Vicar of Northern Arabia, a memorable 67th birthday!
KMRM Condolence

KMRM Congratulates

Holy Mass by Rev. Fr. Wilson
Fr. Wilson Kochuplackal has arrived (personal visit)
to Kuwait on 09/05/2011, and celebrated Holy Mass on
Thursday – 12/05/2011 along with our Spiritual
Director Rev. Fr. Dr. John Padipurackal.
Daniel (85) father of Varughese Matahai
passed away.
Funeral on Wednesday 25th May at 11AM , St.Mary’s
Catholic Church, Kumbazha.
Heartfelt Condolences to the bereaved family.
May his soul rest in peace.
KMRM Condolence
Kuwait Malankara
Rite Movement (KMRM) extends its tribute to John
Melamparambil Ramban (88), the sr. priest belong to
Thiruvalla Arch Diocese.
KMRM express heartfelt condolence to
the late Ramban, John Melamprambil.
[Click the image for more details. Ref: Malayala
Laity Day & Rev. Dr. John Padipurackal’s Feast Day Celelebration 24.04.2011
KMRM celebrated the “Laity Day” on 9th May 2011 at
Our Lady Of Arabiya Church, Ahamadi. The Holy Mass
was celebrated by Rev.Fr.(Dr) John Padipurackal. It
had also taken this opportunity to wish our
spiritual director Rev.Fr.(Dr) John Padipurackal on
his feast which was on 8th May. After the Holy Mass
KMRM President Binu.K John wished Rev.Fr.John on
behalf of KMRM and a cake was cut to celebrate his

Easter Celebrations

Good Friday Celebrations

Maundy Thursday Celebrations

Palm Sunday Celebrations

Palm Sunday
Kalalaya Swanthwana,Bathery
Diocese distribution
H.E Most Rev. Joseph Mar Thomas, Bishop of Bathery,
presenting the current year KMRM educational support
as a “token of love” to Adarsha Baby. She was one of
our “Mar Baselios Vidya Sree Puraskar “holder in the
year 2008-2009.

KMRM Condolence 06.04.2011
Kuwait Malankara Rite Movement (MCA, Kuwait) extends
its tribute to His Eminence Cardinal Mar Varkey
Vithayathil, the Major Archbishop of the Syro
Malabar Church. A Holy Qurbono was conducted in the
St. Daniel Camboni Mission, Abbasiya on Sunday 3rd
April 2011 by Rev. Dr. John Padipurackal to express
the Malankara Community’s heartfelt condolence to
the late Major Archbishop Mar Varkey Vithayathil.
visit by Syro-Malanakra Bishops

My Mission is My Vision
Adarsa Baby, who belongs to Bathery Diocease and a
3rd semester MBBS student in the Pushpagiri Medical
College sharing her views on Medical profession.
Read the full Article[pdf].

visit by Syro-Malanakra Bishops
[Adopted from deepika]
More from Manorama
Kalalaya Swanthwana,Thiruvalla
Arch-Diocese distribution
MCA Central committee report

J. Joseph (80), father-in-law of Sunny Thomas
[s042], (Shalom Parayer Group –
Abbasiya) passed away on 19th March 2011.
Funeral will be held later.
Heartfelt Condolences to the bereaved family.
May his soul rest in peace.
Kalalaya Swanthwana,Mavelikkara
Diocese distribution

Reorganization of the Two
Vicariates in the Arabian Peninsula
With effect from May 31, 2011, the Congregation for
the Evangelization of Peoples has decreed that the
Vicariate of Kuwait and the Vicariate of Arabia will
undergo a reorganization of territories and a
modification of title.
The Vicariate of
Kuwait will be called "The
Apostolic Vicariate of Northern Arabia" and
will include the territories of Kuwait, Qatar,
Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia. Accordingly, the present
Vicar Apostolic of Kuwait, His Lordship Bishop
Camillo Ballin, MCCJ, will assume the title of
"Vicar Apostolic of Northern Arabia".
The Vicariate of Arabia will be called "The
Apostolic Vicariate of Southern Arabia" and will
include the territories of the United Arab Emirates,
Oman and Yemen. The Vicariate of Arabia is under the
pastoral care of His Lordship Bishop Paul Hinder,
OFM Cap. The Gulf States of Qatar, Bahrain, and
Saudi Arabia are currently in the jurisdiction of
the Vicariate of Arabia.
The two ecclesiastical territories have been
reorganised due to the unequal distribution of the
faithful in the Apostolic Vicariates of Arabia and
Kuwait and because both the Vicariates have been
entrusted to the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin (OFM
From the historical point of view, Kuwait was
formerly part of the Vicariate of Arabia. In 1953
Kuwait was separated from it and established as an
independent Apostolic Prefecture. It was raised to
the status of an Apostolic Vicariate in 1954. The
two Vicariates in the Arabian Peninsula are being
reorganised after more than 57 years.
The faithful are urged to keep this significant
event in their prayers, at the same time asking the
Lord for His blessing on both the Vicariates and all
the faithful. May Our Lady of Arabia continue to
intercede for each one of us at this special time.
[Adopted from]
KMRM Condolence

Syro-Malankara All Priests Meet
[click the image for more news..]

KMRM Congratulate the new MCA
central Committee 2011-12

KMRM Christmas & New Year
Celebrations 2011

Kuwait Malankara Rite Movement (KMRM) had conducted
its 17th Annual Christmas and New Year Family Get
together on 7th January 2011 at Indian Community
School Auditorium, Salmiya, Kuwait, Which was
complimented by over 600 members.
The celebration started off with a competition for
Carol Song in association with all the prayer
groups, which had been followed by variety of
entertainments like individual instrumental music,
group song, classical dance, cinematic dance etc.
Mary Matha-Fahaheel, St.Paul’s-Riggae and St.
Mary's-Abbasiya prayer groups bagged the
first, second and third prizes respectively in the prayer
group carol singing competition.
The August gathering was welcomed by the KMRM
Secretary Joseph Daniel followed by the Presidential
address by Binu K. John. The Annual Get together was
inaugurated by Rev. Fr. George Kottapuram followed
by lighting the traditional lamp by Rev. Dr. John
Padipurackal along with Rev. Fr. George Kottapuram,
Binu K.John, the President, Rajan Thottathil, the
advisory board chairman, George Kutty Lawrence, the
Catechism headmaster, Jimmy Abraham, the Yuvajyothi
Convener, Annie Koshy, the convener of Friends of
Mary, and Bibin Sam Thomas, the Convener of
Baladeepam. The traditional Cake and wine were
distributed among the members to symbolize the start
of the celebration of love.
Rev.Fr. George Kottapuram welcomed and introduced
the newly appointed spiritual director Rev. Dr. John
Padipurackal. Binu K.John felicitated Rev. Dr. John
Padipurackal and welcomed him to the KMRM community
by presenting him a shawl as a token of love from
the KMRM community. Later Aloysius Thomas a senior
Advisory board member gave away a memento to Fr.
George Kottapuram. Rajan Thottathil, the Advisory
Board chairman felicitated on this occasion followed
by Alexander Thangalathil, who thanked Fr.George for
his contribution to the KMRM.
Rev. Dr. John Padipurackal delivered the Christmas
message and wished everyone the compliments of the
season. He urged the Youth to take forward the light
of faith from the elders and parents and the advised
the youth to have visions and dreams to move forward
in their spiritual life.
The toppers of the exams conducted for the year
2009-2010 of the Liturgy classes were complemented
with trophies, medals and certificates. Medals were
given to the Yuva Jyothi Members for winning various
competitions and gifts were presented to all the
children present on that eve. Thomas Vallikkattil, a
salmiya Mar Ivanos Prayer group member was
complimented on this occasion to honor his son
Linson Thomas who is an upcoming budding scientist
of this modern world. The prize and the award
distribution ceremony were coordinated by K.O John,
George Kutty Lawrence, the catechism headmaster and
Jimmy Abraham, the catechism coordinator.
O.M Mathew, the Program convener rendered a vote of
thanks for the meeting. A Ganamela was organized to
mark the end of the celebration followed by a
dinner. The program was compared by Babuji Bathery
and Jubin P Mathew which was wound up by a vote of
thanks by Isaac Kadakampally, the treasurer.
Photo Album [Volume 1] [Volume 2]
KMRM Kalalaya Santhwana -
Bathery Diocese

KMRM conveys Hearty
Congratulations on Kuwait's Golden Jubilee of
On the joyful and momentous occasion of Kuwait's
Golden Jubilee of Independence the KMRM conveys its Hearty
Congratulations and Best Wishes to the Rulers, the
Government and the People of Kuwait.
Bon Voyage to Mr. Manoj, and Mr. Yohannan

Farewell meeting was conducted to express our
gratitude and love to Mrs.& Mr. Manoj V. Philip
[m010] and Mrs.& Mr. Yohannan M. George
[y001] after
the Holy Mass on 10th Feb 2010.
Mementos were presented to Mrs.& Mr. Manoj V. Philip
& Mrs.& Mr. Yohannan M. George by Rev. Fr. Dr. John
Padipurackal, Our Spiritual Director as a token of
appreciation for their sincere & dedicated service
to Kuwait Malankara Rite Movement (MCA – Kuwait) for
the past 7 and 18 years respectively.
George (94), father of Yohannan M. George
and grandfather of Libu John [l003]
– (Mary Matha Parayer Group – Fahaheel) passed away.
Funeral will be held at St. Thomas Catholic Church,
V. Kottayam, date and time will be announced later.
Heartfelt Condolences to the bereaved family.
May his soul rest in peace.
MCA Central Summit

Mr.P.C Mathew (85) (Mavilethu House, Kulanada Post, Pathanamthitta), father of Mr.Alex Mathew
passed away on 07.02.2011.
Funeral will be on friday at 2.00pm at St.Joseph
Catholic Church, Karriakkadu. Heartfelt Condolences
to the bereaved family. May his soul rest in peace.
KMRM Express Condolence

Pennama (75), mother of Rev. Fr. Dr. Mathai Kadavil
(Spiritual Director - MCA Central Committee),
passed away.
KMRM express condolence, and join in prayers for the
departed soul.
[Click the image for more details.]
Kalalaya Santhwana Distribution – Marthandom Diocese

Commemoration of Moran Mor Cyril
Baselios Catholicos, and Bp. Joseph Mar Severios on

Bon Voyage to Rev.Fr.George

the Lord shower His
abundant blessings on you”.
You will be always remembered
in our prayers.
Rev. Fr.George Kottapuram had
called the President and informed that
he had reached safely. He has also asked to convey his regards to one and
all. [updated]
Dear brothers and
Peace be with you!
I am glad to wish you a Holy Christmas
and a Happy New Year 2011. May this Christmas bring you
happiness and peace with all.
Christmas is always the feast of the
family. In my language we say: "Christmas with yours and
Easter with whom you want". Especially on this occasion
the solitude of many of you who have their family in
their country of origin is felt much more. I invite
those who have family here to invite into their homes,
for lunch on Christmas day, somebody who is alone.
Nobody should, on Christmas day, have lunch alone. I
know your generosity, so I know that you will be very
fraternal with others.
Continue Reading.....
T. M. Samuel(78), father of Bijoy Samuel
(Mary Matha Fahaheel), passed away. Funeral will be
later at St. Marys Catholic Church, Valanjavattom.
Heartfelt Condolences to the bereaved family.
his soul rest in peace.
Samuel, age 78, wife of Kunjunjukutty Samuel, (Kannankulanjiyil, Edathicavu) and
Mother of Samuel Thankachan
(Sector 4 St.Thomas), John Kunjukutty
(Sector 4 St.Thomas), & K.K.Babu
(Mar Ivanios, Salmiya, Vice President - KMRM ) passed away.
Funeral will be held on Monday 24th January at St.Joseph’s
Malankara Catholic Church Edathicavu.
Heartfelt Condolences to the bereaved family.
her soul rest in peace.
Skaria ( Rtd. N.M LPS Mylapra ) age 77, wife of
M. M Skaria Melathil ( Rtd S H H S Mylapra ) and
Mother in law of Kuriakose Joseph Ayrookuzhy
(Salmiya Mar Ivanios ) & Sam Thomas Malethu
(St Pauls Riqqe). Funeral will be held thursday 3.00 pm
at S.H Catholic Church Mylapra.
Rev. Dr. John Padipurackal Arrived
Rev. Dr. John Padipurackal has arrived
Kuwait on wednesday, 5th January 2010. KMRM Managing
Committee received the chaplin at the Kuwait
International Airport.

KMRM Kalalaya Santhwana
2009-2010 Distribution 03.1.2011
KMRM Kalalaya Santhwana 2009-2010, Educational
Scholarship to Puttur Diocese, through MCA central committee. The following
persons received the educational scholarship. [Photos].
1. Sabitha C.K.
2. Jimcy N.T
3. Abilash P.J.
4. Sudeesh B.T.
5. Linson Maical
6. Anish Alex
Kalalaya Santhwana Distribution –
2010 5.12.2010
from MCA Central Committee.""
Kalalaya Santhwana Distribution programme are
arranging in various Dioceses as follows as per
intimation from MCA Diocesan Presidents . Kindly try
to represent KMRM Officials /members who are in
Kerala for vacation.
MARTHANDAM- 11.12.2010 - 10.00 A,M
KMRM Family Get Together

Managing Committee and A.B Members
met H.E Camillo Ballin 29.12.2010
The Managing committee and the Advisory Board
members of 2010-2011 had visited H.E Camillo Ballin,
Our Patron in his office at the Bishop’s house in
the Holy Family Cathedral, Kuwait City on 27th Dec
2010 and rendered our heartfelt thanks and
gratitude. He gave them a warm welcome and asked
them to convey His greetings to one and all in the
Malankara community here in Kuwait.

KMRM Christmas MASS
Solemn Midnight Mass for Christmas of the Malankara Catholic Rite was celebrated
at the Kuwait Catholic Church at 3.30 am on 25th December 2010.

Christmas Carol Schedule
Sound Tracks [mp3]

Good News for Velankanni

Sweet of Santa 18.12.2010
Yuvajyothi’s “Sweet of Santa” a maiden program, was
inaugurated by Rev.Fr.George Kottappuram, our
spiritual director after the Holy Mass on Thursday
9th Dec in the Virgin Mary Hall. Mr.Shaiju Nilackal,
Sweet of Santa coordinator handed a box of cake to
Rev Fr.George who in turn inaugurated the maiden
programme by opening and showing the cake to the
Malankarites who had gathered there for the Holy

Farewell to Mrs. & Mr. John P. Abraham
farewell meeting was conducted to express our
gratitude and love to Mrs. & Mr. John P.Abraham
(Mar Ivanios Prayer Group, Salmiya) after the Holy
Mass on 16th Dec 2010. KMRM appreciated
their whole hearted support and sincere dedication
for the growth and vision of Malankara community in
Kuwait for the last 33 years.
The President, Binu K.
John wished them the very best for their future
endeavors in the years to come. A Memento was
presented as a token of love to Mrs. & Mr. John
Abraham by Rev. Fr. George Kottapuram, Our Spiritual
Director. A gift was presented to Mrs. Susan John by
Mrs. Annie Koshy, the convener of Friends of Mary
for her dedicated service. In his reply speech Mr.
John expressed his heart felt thanks and love to the
whole Malankara community in Kuwait.
33 years of dedicated service with the National Bank
of Kuwait (NBK) Mrs. & Mr. John is leaving Kuwait.
He belongs to St.Mary’s Malankara Catholic
Church,Thirumoolapuram in the Arch-Diocese of
Birthday Greetings to Vicar General
President and the managing committee members visits
Vicar General Very.Rev.Fr.Mathew Kunnelpurayidom on
his birthday and presented a gift as a token of love
and gratitude on behalf of all the Malankarites in
Sosamma Varghese (94), grandmother of Mr. Joji Varghese [j033]
(St. Thomas Prayer Group, Abbasiya) passed away.
Joji's father, Sri. Varghese Vellapallil is a
retired head master, and Treasurer of KCBC Family
Funeral will be 2.00pm, 24th December 2010, at St.
Antony's Malankara
Catholic Church, Kalloppara (Thiruvalla Diocese).
Heartfelt Condolences to the bereaved family.
her soul rest in peace.
Pastoral Visit 18.12.2010
H.E Camillo Ballin, our patron and the Bishop of
Kuwait had visited us on 9th Dec 2010 as a part of
his pastoral visit to the city Cathedral. He was
given a warm welcome by the President of KMRM
Mr.Binu K.John and the spiritual director
Rev.Fr.George Kottappuram. In his speech he conveyed
his Christmas greetings and blessings to one and all
especially to the bachelors.

Malankara Liturgical Class
re-opened for the academic year 2010 – 2011.
updated 18.12.2010
KMRM is very happy to announce the re-opening of the
liturgical classes for the academic year
2010-2011.KMRM has always given priority to the
social, culture and spiritual growth of our
children. It had its first public function for the
year with the inauguration and the re-opening of
Syro Malankara Liturgical class for the academic
year 2010-2011.
The inaugural function was held at Abbassiya Comboni
mission parish on the 3rd December 2010, Friday.
More than 100 students and their parents were
present in the function. The inaugural session
started with a prayer song by Kumari Lipi,Likhitha
and Lyrics K. Paul followed by the welcome speech
which was rendered by Mr.Georgekutty Lawrence – the
Catechism Head Master.

Rev.Fr. George Kottapuram – the Spiritual Director
of KMRM, Mr.Rajan Thottathil – the Advisory Board
Chairman, Mr. Joseph Kuriakose (Aji) – KMRM
Secretary, Advocate Shibu Jacob – Staff delegate and
Kumari Jini Saji, the students representative
delivered their felicitations and this inaugural
session was winded up with the vote of thanks by
Mr.Jimmy Abraham, the catechism coordinator. [ALBUM]
Catholic-Jacobite-Orthodox Summit

KMRM Congratulate
Kerala Kalakedram announces global excellence award.
The Global Excellence Award-2010 will be awarded to
Rev Baselios Mar Cleemis, Major Arch Bishop of
Thiruvananthapuram. The award consists of a citation
and gold-studded statuette. Awards will be presented
at a function to be held at Mascot Hotel on December
12 at 5 p.m, by Uthradom Thirunal Marthanda Varma of
Travancore royal family. Ministers Binoy Viswam, V
Surendran Pillai and Congress leader K M Mani will
be present. [reference

KMRM congratulate, and wishing him to
continue his excellence. Yuvajyothi
Calendar Released
The KMRM Spiritual Director Rev.Fr
George Kottappuram had released the Yuvajyothi
calendar for the year 2011 at Virgin Mary hall, City
Cathedral after the Holy Mass on Thursday
(25.11.2010). Jimmy Abraham, Yuvjyothi convener
handed over the calendar to Rev, Fr.George and he
in-turn released the same and then handed it over to
Nithin Raj the circulation manager in the presence
of the KMRM President Binu K John, and the Secretary
Joseph Kuriakose.

Aleyamma John (78), mother of Mr.
John Varghese [j031]
(St. Johns Prayer Group, Abbasiya) passed away
on friday, 3rd December 2010.
Funeral will be on 11.30am, 6th December 2010, at St. Mary's Malankara
Catholic Church, Karavoor (Trivandrum Diocese).
Heartfelt Condolences to the bereaved family.
her soul rest in peace.
Joint Committee Meeting
A joint committee and Advisory board members
of both the years (2009-2010 & 2010-2011) were called in the
KMRM office “Srothas” on Friday,5th Nov 2010. The meeting
was presided by the President Binu.K John and Rev.Fr.George
Kottappuram, the spiritual director blessed the occasion.
Felicitations were delivered by Rajan Thottathil, the
Advisory board chairman, C.A Joy and S.Thomaskutty the
previous year President and Secretary. The welcome speech
was rendered by Joseph Kuriakose, the Secretary and the
meeting was winded up with the vote of thanks by the
Treasurer, Isaac Kadakampally. Immediately after the session
the first meeting of the Managing committee was called up
on. [ALBUM]

Oath taking ceremony
The newly elected Managing committee and the
Advisory board took the oath on Thursday 28th October 2010
after the Holy Mass, which was delivered by the KMRM
spiritual director Rev.Fr.George Kottappuram and they
committed themselves to the Kuwait Diocese, Malankara
Catholic Hierarchy and the Kuwait Malankara Rite Movement.
After the Oath the responsibility was handed over to the new
Managing Committee by the previous committee.
After the handing over ceremony Binu K.John,
the President addressed the members and sought their
valuable support, cooperation and prayers. [click the image
to see bigger image].

18.11.2010 updated
Mathew Mathew Chundevalil (85), father of A. M. Abraham
(Mar Ivanios Prayer Group, Salmiya) passed away
on Thursday, 18th November 2010.
Funeral will be on Saturday 3.00pm, 20th November 2010, at St. Mary's Church, Amayanoor (Thiruvalla Diocese).
Heartfelt Condolences to the bereaved family.
his soul rest in peace.
Itty Baby (75), Father of M.B. Babu
, and Sunny Thomas
(Shalom Prayer Group, Abbasiya) passed away
today, 14th November 2010.
Mr. Itty Baby is related to M.A. Thomas
[m026], David Yohannan
Mathew Varghese Modeyil
, Bobby Varghese Modeyil
Sajan Mathew
and Rajan Mathew
Funeral will be held later at Holy
Family Church, Thottupuram, Pathanamthitta.
Heartfelt Condolences to the bereaved family. May
his soul rest in peace.
Contact Details -- Mobile 66440245, India Telephone
Christmas carol practice
“Greetings in the name of our lord Jesus
Our current year Christmas carol practice will begin on
12/11/2010, @ 6.30 pm in the KMRM office, Abbassiya. All are
cordially welcomed and requesting your valuable support,
cooperation and prayers.
Joseph Kuriakose
Biju Joshua
Oath taking ceremony
The newly elected Managing committee and the
Advisory board took the oath on Thursday 28th October 2010
after the Holy Mass, which was delivered by the KMRM
spiritual director Rev.Fr.George Kottappuram and they
committed themselves to the Kuwait Diocese, Malankara
Catholic Hierarchy and the Kuwait Malankara Rite Movement.
After the Oath the responsibility was handed over to the new
Managing Committee by the previous committee.
After the handing over ceremony Binu K.John,
the President addressed the members and sought their
valuable support, cooperation and prayers. [click the image
to see bigger image].

KMRM 16th Annual General
Body Meeting 02.11.2010
The 16th annual general body meeting of the
Kuwait Malankara Rite Movement (MCA – Kuwait) was conducted
in the Virgin Mary hall of the Holy Family Cathedral church
Kuwait. The meeting was presided by the Vice President
Babuji Batheri in the presence of our Spiritual Director
Rev.Fr.George Kottappuram. The annual report and the annual
income and expenditure account were presented by the
Secretary, S.Thomaskutty, and the Treasurer, Shaji Varghese
respectively. Both the report and accounts were passed by
the members after the discussion. Thomas Mammoottil, the
Joint Secretary welcomed the gathering, Isaac Kadakampalli,
Joint Treasurer delivered the vote of thanks.
Our Spiritual director Rev.Fr. George
Kottappuram had delivered a word of thanks to the outgoing
managing committee for their dedicated service to the KMRM
as well as the Kuwait Diocese. In his speech he emphasized
about the need of unity, love and care among the members of
KMRM. He also stressed the necessity of giving our
continuous support and loyalty to the Kuwait Bishop and the
After this session, an election was held to
form the new managing committee and the Advisory board for
the year 2010 – 2011. The General body has selected
Kuruvilla Thomas, M.J John and Abraham Varghese as the
election commissioners and they had conducted the election
in the presence of Rev.Fr.George and it went off in a
peaceful manner. The timely advice and leadership and
control of Rev.Fr.George were appreciated by one and all.
Binu K. John was unanimously elected as the new president,
Joseph Kuriakose the Secretary, Isaac Kadakampalli the
Treasurer, George Mathew the Advisory Board Chairman and
Shaji Varghese the Auditor. The details of the Managing
committee members are available in "committee" under year
2010-2011 menu.