Message from President
For Kuwait Malankara Rite Movement (KMRM), it is a pleasure occasion to become online with a vision to utilize the fruits of advancement to spread the virtues of our faith and tradition. Since 1994, KMRM made indelible impressions in the Catholic life and faith in Kuwait through dedicated service and activities that benefited to its cause; Christian spirit of love and the great traditions that our church followed. Thirteen years of KMRM activities made the presence of Syro-Malankara Rite, which was appreciated by Holy Father Pope John Paul II as the fastest growing church, a vibrant entity to be reckoned with.

KMRM radiates the light of reunion movement and Malankara Catholic Church, pioneered by Mar Ivanios and later on led by high prelates including Mar Gregorios and Mar Baselios. Being the youngest Major Archiepiscopal Church in the Catholic Church we are proud of our legacy and tradition. Today with more than 2500 members, KMRM actively responds to the needs of the poor, the deprived here in Kuwait and in Kerala with Christian love and social commitment. Our charity activities known as Swanthana, we reached to the lives of hundreds with love and compassion. The organization constructed houses for 10 homeless poor families in Kerala, and conducted

marriage of 11 girls who were under utter financial restraints. Our project Kalalaya Swanthana gives rays of hope to hundreds of deserving poor students in their higher studies.

To promote the formation of children based on our faith and tradition, we conduct Catechism systematically. Friends of Mary and Yuva Jyothi formulate and co-ordinate our activities for women and youngsters respectively which proved fruitful in the overall development of our members and their families. At present we have six prayer groups which are actively involved in the spiritual growth and formation of the laity. We are pleased to note that as a mark of our steps forward, we are forming two more prayer groups including one in Jahra.

Moreover for the last 10-months, Holy Mass in Syro-Malankara Rite is celebrated every Thursday, and in fact, it is the major factor that pleases our hearts the most. During Christmas, Lent and Easter occasions priests from Kerala are sent for our services, and it is a major recognition of our presence here.

May the Almighty lead us in His light to go ahead with our endeavors in virtue for our church, community and the society at large.

Jacob Thomas

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